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You know, I don't feel like I can sit and read or crochet during the day. I kind of think it is my work hours and so I do things around the house or for DD. Once in a while I'll read and more rarely crochet. I do that more in the evening and on the weekend :shrug I know this is an excellent opportunity for me to do some volunteering and that it is important I keep myself out there. I'll get too out of practice dealing with people if I don't stay out there.

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I think I am in the zone with crocheting- I look around and I have so much yarn so it is time to use it and start putting things away for gifts. DD also wants to do a craft show - I'm thinking next fall- she has her art and jewelry and she wants me to bring some crochet stuff. So we'll see.


I can't crank out afghans like Mary though- hats/scarves are more my speed:hook.

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I'm with you. Me and afghans don't get along very well. Scarves, hats, that sort of thing keep my interest. That would be fun to do a few items for your DD's show. My mom says she'll do the craft show with me if I decide to do it in the fall. I'm not sure if I've got it in me and I'm kind of hesitant to turn my hobby into a job. We'll see how it goes.

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I know what you mean about turning a hobby into a job- but the way I am looking at it is I like to crochet- it has been great for reducing stress- so if I make easy things that are not pressure and are mindless and I can sell them, why not? If I don't have enough things, then I won't do it until the following year. Does that make sense?

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Yes that makes sense and with you piggy-backing onto your DD's show, it kind of takes some of the stress off of you to be the top producer, doesn't it? The other fear I have is investing in yarn to make craft show items that may not sell. I think I'll just stick to having fun.

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Its been a while since I've thought that politics and common sense go together:)


We had a government here in Ontario that ran on a "Common Sense Revolution" back in the 1990s. Him saying that kind of brings back bad memories for me. :lol That said, Obama is nothing like that government. They were much more right-wing... and as far away from a revolution as you could get :lol

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I figure if I make things like hats, scarves, mittens, some smaller blankets like lapghans or baby blankets and they don't sell, I'll donate them to a homeless shelter or to a shelter for abused women/children.

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I figure if I make things like hats, scarves, mittens, some smaller blankets like lapghans or baby blankets and they don't sell, I'll donate them to a homeless shelter or to a shelter for abused women/children.


Good idea!


You mentioned that you shoveled today- how much snow do you have? They are forecasting snow for Friday night here...mmmm....if we get alot, does that mean I don't have to work Saturday??:devil


We barely have any. We got a dusting on Tuesday. We actually had very mild weather and rain on Monday and lost all our snow. Now it is just a sheet of ice on the pathway to school and all over the school yard. They are forecasting very cold temps here, but hey it is January. I like to keep the driveway clear so it doesn't turn to ice. I kind of like shoveling when it's the fluffy light stuff.

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Ok, now it is 5 minutes past Shannon time----


Did you see the retro potholders that they posted on Crochet Today- it is a preview free pattern for the new issue- they are so cute!


Do you think a tote out of Simply Soft would be too "soft"? I always think of a tote with cotton or a stiffer acrylic

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:blush I still haven't finished weaving in all the ends. I will definitely share it when I get there. I haven't been crocheting much.

Tuck the ends under the blanket and take a pic- we'll never know they are there:lol

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It would be a softer tote. Not sure how that would be. Depends on what you want to use it for, I guess. How about a wrap? 3 skeins would make a nice wrap. I'll go check out the Crochet Today.


If I don't weave in those ends before I take a pic for you guys I'll never weave them in. Sharing my things with you guys is one of my great motivators to get projects finished. :lol

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How is your DH enjoying his flannelghan. Is he excited about the new job? How long was he at the current job? It is always a big change to start a new job.

Yes, he loves his flannelgan- He watches TV with it wrapped around him every night- I guess he really does like it:yes


He was at his current position for 7 1/2 years. Yes, it is a big change, especially when you get to be our age (kind of scary- but nothing ventured, nothing gained). He is excited to be starting-his first day is 3/1 so he has a few more weeks at this job.

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Oh, the ones hanging on the wall? How pretty. I should make some potholders with all my cotton stash. I don't use them myself, but I guess I could always start. Potholders would make a nice gift. Or I could just hang them on my wall (DH would never go for that:lol).

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True, true about the motivation factor- it is one of my motivators too- can't wait to show my besties what I've been working on! And I had that flannelghan hanging over my head for so long- you have no idea how excited I was when I finished it.

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