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Some good clean fun?!

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WTG! I didn't crochet. Just not into it. I did treat myself to a little bit of HGTV this afternoon, just to chillax a bit. I went for my walk this evening, but just a short one.


I find Wednesdays the hardest day of the week. Not sure why, but they seems to be the most challenging day with DD.


Any luck on the job department, LeaAnne? Nothing for me yet. No bites on the before/after school care, although people I talk to say I won't have any trouble. At this point I'll just let the office staff know I'm interested and hope that some parent asks at the school :shrug If not, maybe word of mouth once school starts.

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Colleen - I love HGTV:clap


LeeAnn - are you still granny rippling? I got a kick out of your yarn shopping story. your DH is too cute!


Speaking of DH's Shannon... did you have datenight?

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Hello. Keith is still feeling under the weather. Coughing his head off right now but thankfully it doesn't make him cranky. LOL he actually is hard to tell he's sick (except for the cough) cause he's just as full of energy as normal.


Hope all you east coasters are not working too hard in the heat to get ready for Earl.


LeeAnn- hugs to your family and dad, that's hard.


haven't finished anything yet. Still working on the puppy and the other projects I'm working on are all big ones so they won't be done anytime soon.

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Ha! No, nothing exciting. Exercised, cleaned a little, sat around. Pretty boring.


Sorry about DD's playdate-gone-awry. Janna's been cranky for me the past couple of mornings, but snaps out of it with other people.:think

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WTG! I didn't crochet. Just not into it. I did treat myself to a little bit of HGTV this afternoon, just to chillax a bit. I went for my walk this evening, but just a short one.


I find Wednesdays the hardest day of the week. Not sure why, but they seems to be the most challenging day with DD.


Any luck on the job department, LeaAnne? Nothing for me yet. No bites on the before/after school care, although people I talk to say I won't have any trouble. At this point I'll just let the office staff know I'm interested and hope that some parent asks at the school :shrug If not, maybe word of mouth once school starts.


:yes word of mouth will work! be patient! once you get a couple of kids, word will get out!


our worst day is Tuesday here.

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Our kiddos are getting back into the swing of things, they seem to be getting used to having homework and are getting it done a lot faster.


the rippling is addicting! I love it! the yarn story was so funny! I was really getting irked and then had to laugh at myself.

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Hi Sarah!


Yes, LeaAnne. We went and got Janna a new bed, then we had our usual Mexican Wednesday dinner...except this time we ate AT the restaurant! We had fun!

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:yes word of mouth will work! be patient! once you get a couple of kids, word will get out!


our worst day is Tuesday here.


Thanks, I think it will work out. I just don't like not knowing.


Tuesday, huh? Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a bad day :lol


Shannon - :yay for exercising, good job!


Sarah - :hug I hope Keith gets better soon. Is the fever gone?


LeeAnn - I'm glad your kids are getting back into the swing of things. Did you say DD is at a new school this year? Did she move on with any friends or has she made some new ones?

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Hi Sarah!


Yes, LeaAnne. We went and got Janna a new bed, then we had our usual Mexican Wednesday dinner...except this time we ate AT the restaurant! We had fun!


How funny Doug and I just had mexican for dinner at the local restaurant. Keith had fries with cheese which probably was a bad idea giving him the cheese with the drainage from his nose.

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Thanks, I think it will work out. I just don't like not knowing.


Tuesday, huh? Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a bad day :lol


Shannon - :yay for exercising, good job!


Sarah - :hug I hope Keith gets better soon. Is the fever gone?


LeeAnn - I'm glad your kids are getting back into the swing of things. Did you say DD is at a new school this year? Did she move on with any friends or has she made some new ones?


it comes and goes but never goes above 100. It's mainly sinuses draining down his throat and nothing really we can do about.

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How funny Doug and I just had mexican for dinner at the local restaurant. Keith had fries with cheese which probably was a bad idea giving him the cheese with the drainage from his nose.


So long as he's eating, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Date night, Shannon? Nice! Mexican sounds yummy! We don't have any Mexican restaurants around here that I can think of :think. I can't remember the last date night DH and I had. :(

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