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LoL Thanks!


Isabella loves Mall Cop! :lol Are you teaching them the game on the computer, or with real cards? Which 63 squares book are you using? There seems to be a few of them. :think I bought the 63 cables and I can't wait to do some of them. I'm up to my ears in hats right now, though.

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LoL Thanks!


Isabella loves Mall Cop! :lol Are you teaching them the game on the computer, or with real cards? Which 63 squares book are you using? There seems to be a few of them. :think I bought the 63 cables and I can't wait to do some of them. I'm up to my ears in hats right now, though.


Stacy are your hats selling in a store?

Can I ask how much you are charging for them?

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No Mary, I am selling them through word-of-mouth. :lol Although I am thinking of opening an Etsy store. :shrug I am selling them for $20 each. Dh thinks it's kind of low, but I just want to see how much interest there is, for now.


How big does your blanket turn out with 33 snowflakes? I have 20 made and am using chunky yarn, but it still seems like it will come out on the small side. :think

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33 sounds much more reasonable.


Stacy - I don't have the 63 book that you have, although I would like to get it. I have the first 2... the one with the mauve, green and cream squares, and the one that shows them all in cream. I have done the first one before, and it is a bedspread for my queen bed. Problem is that it's blue, and my room isn't, so now I want a new one:lol


...when I don't know what I feel like working on, I pick a square and do it. This one has all plum colored squares.

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33 sounds much more reasonable.


Stacy - I don't have the 63 book that you have, although I would like to get it. I have the first 2... the one with the mauve, green and cream squares, and the one that shows them all in cream. I have done the first one before, and it is a bedspread for my queen bed. Problem is that it's blue, and my room isn't, so now I want a new one:lol


...when I don't know what I feel like working on, I pick a square and do it. This one has all plum colored squares.


Oh, that is a great idea! I had planned to save my book as a treat until all of my WIP's are finished, but if I waited that long, I'd never get to it.

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No Mary, I am selling them through word-of-mouth. :lol Although I am thinking of opening an Etsy store. :shrug I am selling them for $20 each. Dh thinks it's kind of low, but I just want to see how much interest there is, for now.


How big does your blanket turn out with 33 snowflakes? I have 20 made and am using chunky yarn, but it still seems like it will come out on the small side. :think


Iam not too sure of the size now. But it is a good size for the sales.

You could start putting it together and then see from there. Thats what I did the first time I made one. I also crochet the snowflakes together it comes out really nice.

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I have 2-1/2 strips sewn together already. Maybe I'll just do lots of border rows. :lol Do you make the 1/2 snowflakes that someone posted in the CAL? I think it looks better without them.

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I have 2-1/2 strips sewn together already. Maybe I'll just do lots of border rows. :lol Do you make the 1/2 snowflakes that someone posted in the CAL? I think it looks better without them.


No I just make the whole ones. I like it this way too

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That is so awesome, Stacy, that you are getting some nice sales, and that you are getting your name out there! also great that you can get a good price for your work! :tup!


Mary, what is your avg. price for a throw at a sale?

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That is so awesome, Stacy, that you are getting some nice sales, and that you are getting your name out there! also great that you can get a good price for your work! :tup!


Mary, what is your avg. price for a throw at a sale?


They range from $35-$50 If I charge too much then I don't sell them.

I found if I keep the price down then I sell alot more. If I had a store on here then I would charge alot more for them.

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I wanted to tell you girls that Iam really sorry for being such a downer lately. It has just been alot of stuff going on here right now and I will be able to tell you all about it soon. I can't right now.

Thanks for being her for me.


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Wow!!! 1200 a show! How much is your table fee? are you at the high end shows?


..and you are not a downer.. We Love you, Mary!!!!:hug


Yes they are hig end shows. The one we do at the end of june is about $288 for the spot and the one we do in Nov. is about $450 and it is at a country club

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ooohhhh.... I can't wait to see it! :drool...


Hey, is C'ville bogging down on you girls again? it's taking really long for pages to load again:(


Yes it is. I thought it was just me again.

The table fees are also split between DD and me so it really isn't that bad.

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