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Help needed on Lacy Lilac Blanket in Crochet Today mar/apr



I have done the first motif and the second and started on a third. Now I would like to crochet them together but I do not understand :blush. Would it be ok if I kind of made it up maybe sc them together?

If I just had someone to point me the right way I would Like to do it right!


Any ideas please???


Thanks for reading.



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15 answers to this question

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It is join as you go, so you don't sew or crochet them together after they are all made.


Don't worry, you've only made 3, so you can start joining them with the next square you make.


Join as you go means, on each square after the first one, you join to another square AT THE SAME TIME you finish the last round.


See how the instructions have one set of directions for the first motif, and a different set of directions for the last row of the rest of the motifs?


There are instructions in the 'special abbreviations' section on how to join the motifs into either a 4-chain loop or a 6-chain loop in the next motif. They involve 'dropping the hook', which means taking the loop off the hook, then inserting the hook into a corresponding chain loop in the motif you are joining to, then sticking your hook back into the loop you 'dropped'.


Look at page 97, with the chart. It shows 4 squares and part of the border. The corner square is completely charted, the 3 nearby squares have only the edges charted and show where the 'join as you go' connections are made--see the u-turn looking arrows?


I hope this helps...?

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Thanks so very much for your help I am going to sit and try again in the morning. I am thinking a fresh brain might work it out with your help. You make it sound easier to understand thanks. Can I share with you my results and ask you for more help if needed or show you the finished article lol ;-).

Thanks very very much.

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Some written instructions are hard to visualize, I think. I remember the first time I encountered 'drop the hook' instructions there was a bit of :think on my part before I got comfortable with it. It's not difficult, just different.


Don't be afraid to give another shout, and I'd love to see a pic! :yes That is a pretty 'ghan pattern.

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How do I make the drop loop they are talking bout?

Hi, welcome to the ville :hook


are you talking about  the joining instructions under special abbreviations, where it says "drop loop from hook"?  that just means to take the hook out of the loop.  then you insert hook where it says to and pick up the loop you dropped.  


if that's not it, tell me where in the pattern it is and I will try to help.  

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OK, these instructions for "ch6 motif join" are only for one part of the last round of the motifs, where you join them together.


for the whole blanket, you make one motif according to the Motif 1 instructions.  then you make the next motif the same way, through round 3.  on round 4 you join it to the first motif.  some of round 4 is ch6 spaces, some is ch4 spaces, some is ch2 spaces. you do the ch6 motif join into the ch6 space of the first motif.  You chain 3, drop the loop off the hook, put the hook in the same ch6 space of the first motif, pick up the loop, and chain 3.  so you have made an arch of 6 chains that is interlocked with the  6 chain arch on the first motif.

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Here is an excerpt from Edie Eckman's book Connect the Shapes https://www.inkling.com/read/connect-shapes-crochet-motifs-creative-techniques-edie-eckman-1st/get-it-together/join-as-you-go-jaygo

Look at the flat join.  it is essentially what you are doing in this pattern, except the join is shown between sc sts, not chains.  


You might want to look for this book at your local library, it has a lot of good info.  

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Also, do be sure to refer to the diagram with the pattern.  it shows the first complete motif.  then it shows just the last round of subsequent motifs, where they join on.  the curved arrows show where you drop the loop, insert the hook, and pick up the loop.  

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Oh I'm still confused I guess I might just have to frog this pattern! I need step by setp for this while thing! The digram dose not help me one bit it makes me more confused because it dose not show me how to make this drop loop then pick it back up as the directions call for. I'm more visual step by step or clear written step by step instrection person! :(

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Hopefully this will help.


Make your chain.  Remove the hook and stick it in the loop that you're going to connect the motif to.  Then put the chain back on the hook and pull it through that loop.

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