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Working with a hank of lace yarn

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To work with yarn that comes from a hank, you must first get it into a ball or you will be very tangled and unhappy.


Untwist the hank until you have a circle of yarn (like kids play 'cat's cradle' with). It should be tied in several spots - DO NOT UNTIE YET.


If you have a yarn swift available, you can use that and a ball winder to unwind the yarn from the hank into a ball. Or you can do it the old fashioned way.


If you have not got a friend available to hold the hank on gently outstretched arms while you wind, you can get creative. A straight backed chair works well to hold the hank, but some very coordinated people use their knees or a foot and knee and go it alone. I'm too clumsy for that one, so I bought a swift. Once the yarn is securely on the swift or chair, you can gently remove the ties and start winding the loose end into a ball. DO NOT WIND TIGHTLY. If you don't have a ball winder, you can start winding around two fingers, leaving the end dangling down your wrist if you want center pull balls, and just keep turning the blob until it looks like a ball.


Enjoy working with your yarn.

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