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I was made fun of again on Thanksgiving for croheting.....

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I guess I think that if the teasing bothers you that much then maybe you should just leave the crochet at home. I don't think your grandfather will probably stop it, so I think you have to either learn to deal with it or just not crochet during those times. Even though it doesn't bother me, I honestly can see how some people could feel ignored if they're trying to talk to you and you're crocheting.

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First of all, I want to say I understand you were hurt. But if you turn the teasing into play instead of an insult, it will make you feel better.


I was picked on in school my whole life. my elementary & jr-high years were miserable. When I got to high school, the same kids tried to make me cry by teasing me. (I have big feet) They said "What do you say Canoe-Shoe?"

Instead of crying, I waved & replied, "Hey, What do you say?!"


Soon the teasing stopped. They couldn't get a rise out of me anymore. Sometime reactions to what people say and to other folks actions are out of habit & not really what is going on. Change your reaction habits and your life will change.


As for the yelling cousin, I do not know the situation, but you could befriend her & try to get her to vent and talk with you instead of making the whole house miserable. But until you can rein in your self-sensitivity, you might not be the best candidate for her to vent with. She may be having issues unseen. (my sister is bipolar and caused a scene quite often.)


My teasing years were miserable. I think if I had a different attitude back then I would have been a happier person. I took everything personally. I also think I didn't get enough sleep or eat right; and my mood swings were caused by a hormone imbalance. Life got better once I matured. I still have trouble sometimes. Especially when it comes to my kids...(The mother bear syndrome!) but attitude is everything.


I sure hope things go better for you at Christmas. If you feel yourself getting upset, take a walk, or go to the bathroom...that may be the only room in the house where you can be alone!




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well..i'm a very sarcastic person and i'd probably say something like "well grandpa...it's keeping me off the streets"


as as for going over...just stay for dinner and make an excuse that you can't stay.

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I know just what you mean. Been there. What I did is stop crocheting for those family members and didn't mention it or do it in their presence. It stopped the slams. I'm not saying that grandpa is slamming you but if it is upsetting you to the point that you don't want to be there, then stopping it in their presence is the best thing. If money for gift giving is an issue, then set a low budget and do what you can. Even buy at Goodwill if you have to. We all have to do what we have to do in this economic crisis. Good luck! :hug

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