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Crochet patterns that aren't in English?

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Ok so, I just got a pattern for some cute little stuffed animals. It's in German... which shouldn't be a problem since I know German, but I am trying to figure out exactly what this means:



15 Lm + 1 Wende-Lm in Grau mit Nd Nr. 4 anschl mit 1 Km zur Rd schließen und in Spiral-Rd häkeln.

1. Rd: 15 fM häkeln


ok so as far as I can figure out:

To make the head

ch 15 + 1 Turning chain (?) with the grey yarn and 4 mm needle join with 1 sl and crochet in round (spiral).

1st row: 15 sc


counting the turning chain, wouldn't this give me 16 stitches, not 15? I haven't tried to work the pattern yet because I just got it today (for one) and secondly, I can't find the yarns that I would need for that... I believe they are Schachenmayr yarns.

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sometimes these are worked by skipping the turning chain and slst into the first sc made so that would give you the 15


I guess that makes sense. Since I work in a spiral-round that means I don't connect it any more, right? I guess it just seems weird for me because I am so used to working with the top of the head, stuffing it and sewing everything together. It looks like I don't do that here because there is going to be this big opening... so I am assuming this is the bottom of the head that I attach to the body. I think I should just stick to patterns in English... :lol;)

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Ok so, I just got a pattern for some cute little stuffed animals. It's in German... which shouldn't be a problem since I know German, but I am trying to figure out exactly what this means:



15 Lm + 1 Wende-Lm in Grau mit Nd Nr. 4 anschl mit 1 Km zur Rd schließen und in Spiral-Rd häkeln.

1. Rd: 15 fM häkeln


ok so as far as I can figure out:

To make the head

ch 15 + 1 Turning chain (?) with the grey yarn and 4 mm needle join with 1 sl and crochet in round (spiral).

1st row: 15 sc


counting the turning chain, wouldn't this give me 16 stitches, not 15? I haven't tried to work the pattern yet because I just got it today (for one) and secondly, I can't find the yarns that I would need for that... I believe they are Schachenmayr yarns.


Another possibility, I do not know German word order and sentence structure - might it be ch15, join w/ sl st to make ring +1 turning chain for height, then work in a spiral:

row 1:15 sc



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I agree with MarikaMum (I speak German fluently but find these instructions a bit vague.) I would have guessed that the turning chain was for height and the instructions for the first round simply took this chain as a given, i.e. you already have one, now continue and do 15 sc more. :think

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I agree with MarikaMum (I speak German fluently but find these instructions a bit vague.) I would have guessed that the turning chain was for height and the instructions for the first round simply took this chain as a given, i.e. you already have one, now continue and do 15 sc more. :think

Reading this that makes alot of sense!!

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I agree with MarikaMum (I speak German fluently but find these instructions a bit vague.) I would have guessed that the turning chain was for height and the instructions for the first round simply took this chain as a given, i.e. you already have one, now continue and do 15 sc more. :think



Ok so just to clarify... I chain 15, join with slip stitch, chain 1, then 15 single crochet?

:) Thanks for all the help, by the way. I have been studying German for 9 years now, and I wanted to try something different.

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my mom and dad where over there in the 50's my mom spoke some of it and read some of.:lol when I went to school and was learning it she told me that the teacher was wrong on how to pronounce the words.:lol too funny!!But I cant hardly remember anything anymore because I dont use it.:lol

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Ok so just to clarify... I chain 15, join with slip stitch, chain 1, then 15 single crochet?

:) Thanks for all the help, by the way. I have been studying German for 9 years now, and I wanted to try something different.


That's what I'm guessing, but the instructions are generally not clear, so it's not our German, it's the way they're written! ('a bad workman always blames his tools,' haha.) What's the next line? Does it tell you that you're supposed to have a total of 15 or 16 stitches?


I find it hard to follow instructions in German, I guess I'm just used to the 'style' of instruction in English. Even though I understand the words, I'm often uncertain whether I've understood the sense. (Oh, the cultural barriers!...) But amis are very popular over here, there seem to be quite a few little pattern books with ami patterns on the market.


BTW, which Schachenmayr yarn does it call for? Is it Bravo acrylic, by any chance?

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The next instruction is an increase: 2 sc in every second sc. I don't have the pattern with me at the current moment, so I don't have the precise German, but I am supposed to have 22 at the end of the 2nd row.


Oh, and the Schachenmayr yarns that I need are Brazilia, Brazilia Lungo and Castania. I don't think I can find them here in the States though :/ This is the pattern book I am using: http://www.amazon.de/Wilde-Tiere-h%C3%A4keln-Gef%C3%A4hrlich-kuschelig/dp/3772466303/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225042582&sr=8-1


I guess I was sold when I saw the cover on Amazon and it said "gefährlich kuschelig" hahaha I am such a nerd. :P

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The Brazilia yarns are just fun fur/novelty yarns. Catania is a REALLY nice cotton, very fine, much thinner than Peaches'n'Cream or Sugar'n'Cream, you'd use a 3,75mm hook (F) with it for a neat stitch. What are you using?


As for the increase to 22 - my mathematical ability is that of a 5-year-old, so I can't tell you whether you ought to have 15 or 16 starting off, haha.:lol

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I use Addi hooks... so I really have no concept of the lettering. Most of the American patterns I crochet have mm sizes as well, so I never had to figure it out! :D I have to use a 3,5 and 4 mm hooks. Is the Brazilia yarn thicker than the fun fur yarns? It looked like, from the pattern that I didn't need to use a "base yarn" with it and that I just crocheted with the brazilia. I know with the Lion Brand Fun Fur you have to use another yarn with it for some stability.

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I've only ever seen/crocheted with one Lionbrand funfur and it didn't seem all that different from what we have over here. with such small hooks, it's easier to crochet more tightly - if you don't rip the yarn apart in fury because the stupid funfur tangles itself up, haha:lol


3.5 is an E hook and 4.0 is a tiny bit bigger than an F hook. For some reason, we have 4.0mm and 4.5mm sizes, which aren't common in the US. I wonder why? Maybe because our standard acrylic is thinner?


If you are looking for the yarn, check out my LYS: http://www.joana-leyer.com: They also do a mail-order service to the USA. Feel free to PM me before you order anything, I can double check e.g. their prices/postal rates to make sure you're not paying extra!

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Thanks so much!! I really appreciate that :)


I order a lot from Germany... and the shipping rates are usually pretty bad... although with amazon it's 14€. That isn't too bad, but when I bought stuff from my favorite bands website: Die Toten Hosen, it cost 30€ to ship it here :eek


Hopefully when I get a break from the Uni-Leben I can possibly place an order. That probably won't be until Thanksgiving or Christmas, but either way I will let you know :D Thanks again!!!


edit: by the way: I did look at the rates and it cost 31,42€ to ship to the states.

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  • 2 months later...
That's what I'm guessing, but the instructions are generally not clear, so it's not our German, it's the way they're written! ('a bad workman always blames his tools,' haha.) What's the next line? Does it tell you that you're supposed to have a total of 15 or 16 stitches?



It took me a while to get back to this because I am finally at home!! Ok so the instructions that are confusing me are as follows:


15 Lm + 1 Wende-Lm in Grau mit Nd Nr. 4 anschl, mit 1 Km zur Rd schließen und in Spiral-Rd häkeln.

1. Rd: 15 fM häkeln

2. Rd: in jede 3. fM je 2 fM = 20 fM

3. Rd: in jede 2. fM je 2 fM = 30 fM


So it looks like I should have 15 stitches, not 16. But, whenever i tried to work this pattern, I always have 16 stitches. *frustrated*

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