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Playblocks scarf


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Playblocks Scarf by Alice Rich


level: intermediate


Needed: 2 colors WW yarn about 200 yds each (little less than 4 oz. or so)

H hook (or larger depending on choice of yarn)

Tapestry Needle


Special Stitches: Foundation Double Crochet (fdc) ch 3, yo insert hook into 3rd chain from hook, pull up a loop, yo, pull through first loop continue as if for a regular dc. Yo, put hook into first stitch made, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through first loop, continue as if for a dc. If you are unfamiliar with this method, this is a good video tutorial:


Front post treble crochet (fptr): Yo twice, insert hook from front to back around the post of the stitch 2 rows down, pull up a loop (yo, pull through 2 loops) 3 times. (all fptr’s go down 2 rows in this pattern)


Reverse single crochet (rsc): Insert hook in the stitch to the right, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through both loops on hook continue going from left to right


Row 1: (RS)(With MC) Fdc 169 stitches (or, chain 172, dc in 4th chain from hook and each ch to end)

Row 2: (WS) Ch 3 (counts as first dc and in each row thereafter) dc in each dc to end, change to CC. Ch 3, turn.

Row 3: (with CC) Dc in second dc (*fptr, dc, fptr, dc, fptr*, dc in next 5 sts.) Repeat from ( ) 16 times, then from * to* 1 time. Dc in last 2 sts, ch 3, turn.

Row 4: Dc in each st to end, change to MC, ch 3, turn.

Row 5: (with MC) Dc in 2nd stitch and next 6 sts. (*fptr, dc, fptr*, dc in next 7 sts) Repeat from ( ) 15 times, dc in last 8 sts, ch 3, turn.

Row 6: Dc in each st to end, change to CC, ch 3, turn.

Row 7: Repeat row 3

Row 8: repeat row 4, do not change color, fasten off.


With WS facing rotate scarf 180 degrees. On other side of foundation row, attach MC.


Row 9: With MC repeat row 2, change to CC.

Row 10: Repeat row 3 (CC)

Row 11: Repeat row 4, (change to MC at end)

Row 12: Repeat row 5 (MC)

Row 13: Repeat row 6, (change to CC at end)

Row 14: repeat row 3 (CC)

Row 15: Repeat row 4, fasten off


To finish (with RS facing) attach MC on the left corner, rsc in each stitch, turn 90 degrees, rsc into the sides of each stitch, continue around the whole scarf. This step is optional, or you can just sc all around as well) Weave in ends and voila! Enjoy your scarf.


This scarf turns out pretty wide-- 8 inches or so. If you prefer, leave off rows 8 and 15 it's more like 7 inches. I'm still trying to figure out how to narrow it further, so feel free to post any ideas you have about that.



This is my own pattern, do not copy or distribute it-- feel free to provide links to this pattern, but please do not reproduce it anywhere else. Of course you make these scarves for gifts, charity or sale but please give me credit as designer. PM or e-mail me with any questions

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