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People are rude.

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:hug:hug How rude!!! This winter when it gets really cold, when you hear her say it is cold outside or she is cold you could respond with "If you had one of my "holey" so called useless scarves the cold would not bother you as you would be all warm and toasty like me." I bet her face would turn all shades of :angry:rofl:devil
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I know all about rude people. When my children where little my mom took them shopping for birthday gift for me she let them pick what they wanted. Well I got 3 pairs of pants the brightest colors you can imagine with a smowflake pattern on them no they where not pj bottoms they where pants! Well I work at the school (at that time i was part time in the kitchen now I am the manager) they went to and they where so excited that I had new cloths to wear to work and I did wear them. You wouldnt believe what some of the people said to me. I just told them they where gifts from my boys and would not hurt their feeling in any way. I even wore all the jewlery they made me. They where the most comfortable pants I ever had and wore them out LOL.

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A couple of years ago, I had a serious vision problem. I had giant blind spots obscuring 2/3rds of my vision in one eye, and it was messing with my color vision in both eyes.


I learned to knit while recovering from that. (I apparently needed the challenge) and I was using up a lot of scrap yarn leftover from 20-30 years of crochet projects to practice my knitting.


Since my color vision was all wonky, and I was just randomly pulling out colors, and I wasnt a very good knitter yet. I ended up making a hideous looking scarf. My stitches were all straight, and I didnt drop any, but the colors of the scarf were pretty bad.


My dad had a bad cold and took the Ugly Scarf to work one day because the scarf was warm and comfy, even if it was ugly. He got some bad comments on wearing that thing. He told one of the people there that I knitted the scarf while half blind, and partially color blind. He was just happy that I was able to learn how to knit while being sick like that.


It's his favorite scarf now. Even tho he's knitting himself one now (he learned to knit in the early 60's while stationed in Alaska) he still says that it's the best scarf he's worn during a cold winter. It was just the right size for him, and all the yarn I picked for it was warm. So what if it's ugly.

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Sorry your co-worker was spiteful, but it's nice that you have something your sister made with love.

I lost a sister a few years ago, and have memories of her that will always bring a smile.

Some people just don't get it, that there's so much more to life than the outward appearance of things. It kinda makes you want to just look at her and say, "Well, there you go!" or "Thanks for sharing..."


Enjoy your scarf, enjoy your craft, and let the rudeness wash away. After all, harsh words are nothing but wasted air.


Fellow maker of "useless" stuff.


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Sorry your co-worker was spiteful, but it's nice that you have something your sister made with love.

I lost a sister a few years ago, and have memories of her that will always bring a smile.

Some people just don't get it, that there's so much more to life than the outward appearance of things. It kinda makes you want to just look at her and say, "Well, there you go!" or "Thanks for sharing..."


Enjoy your scarf, enjoy your craft, and let the rudeness wash away. After all, harsh words are nothing but wasted air.


Fellow maker of "useless" stuff.



I still have all of the things my grandma crochet since I was little, even though some are a little worn now from using it. Doesn't matter though because when you get a homemade gift. the person took that time to make it.

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