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Violet's sweater


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Here's teh first sweater I made for her. I actually made it like last november (!!) but I wasn't able to get online to show anyone. And looking through all the other puppy lovers here I thought I would share :0)

I'm going to make a efw more once I get my new yarn, but pnly one will be for Vi.

I've made some sweaters for a lady here in town that rescues chihuahuas for the winter. I'm excited to see them wearing them!

Anyway...here's hers :0)







And this one is just for fun because she's a pretty girl :0)



She has her summer cut now because she was just so HOT in the summer. But now she's going to be really cold for the winter! lol It's a catch 22! I figure she can wear sweaters in the winter.


By the way, this is my own pattern that I made from making so many swetaers. I have a couple still from last winter...christmas ones. I'm saving for this winter! Really small ones though.

Anyway...I started with a pattern I bought from wal-mart, but I didn't like the fit and how it went together, so I made it one piece in the rounds. SO much easier!! It kind of evolved into what it is now!


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What a cute sweater, and what a darling little pupgrrl! Sitting so pretty for her portrait...


My two dogs would bite my head off if I tried to put a coat on them. Of course, with their own double coat, they don't need one. :P Especially in the desert, where it seems like the heat will never end. Is it really autumn?



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