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Several years ago I made a afghan for my mom, she was diabetic and always cold, it needed to be large enough for her to wrap up entirely in and I wanted it to be very soft. I decided on Lion Brand Homespun and a very simple pattern, just dc worked in vertical stripes, self fringing, no ends to work in. Well, she passed away, so the afghan I made her is now on my sofa.


Shortly after I brought it home, DS and DIL came to visit (DS was in USAF at the time), DIL fell in love with it. Needing something to help occupy myself while trying to deal with the loss of my mother, I offered to make one for DIL and told her to pick the color or colors that she would like. They had to leave later that day so I told her to go to a Wal-Mart near where they lived, look at the yarn and call me with the brand, color, etc. of her choice and I would buy the yarn here so she wouldn't have to mail it (military pay isn't that great and I wanted to pay for the yarn as part of the gift).


Ok, here is my problem, twice my DIL has said something in regard to buying the yarn, like "Did I buy enough yarn?". Well, this has annoyed me, call me strange but I would definitely remember getting this much yarn in the mail :yes. It has made it more of a chore than a pleasure to work on this afghan, I guess it is because now I don't feel she looks upon it as a gift from me. Somehow she has it in her head that she bought the yarn :eek. I simply cannot seem to make myself finish this afghan. Maybe I am just being petty but it bothers me. Any suggestions?


Here is what I have so far...


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That is just beautiful. Sometimes when it becomes a chore it turns you off. A gift you can work on and be excited. My sweetie wants ANOTHER set for his living room and continues to say he will never see it as it is not done. He does not seem to understand that heavy wool and the heat of summer do not mix for me. along with the odd sizing. Now I just don`t want to do it. So I understand completely

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I would just ask her the next time you talk with her. Tell her you never received any yarn in the mail, did she send any? If she says she sent it, tell her she needs to contact PO or whoever she shipped it with as you never got it. If she says she didnt tell her thats good because you had planned this as a gift and you are already working on it. Just a mixup in communication. Both afghans are really pretty!


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I would just ask her the next time you talk with her. Tell her you never received any yarn in the mail, did she send any? If she says she sent it, tell her she needs to contact PO or whoever she shipped it with as you never got it. If she says she didnt tell her thats good because you had planned this as a gift and you are already working on it. Just a mixup in communication. Both afghans are really pretty!



I think I'd go with this. She may have completely spaced out or something, but it's usually better to nip stuff in the bud than have it become a full fledged problem later on due to a misunderstanding.

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:hug Thanks everyone. I will probably talk to her this weekend and take the advice to nip it in the bud, but then again, what difference does it really make, I will know that I bought the yarn and made the afghan for her. Ohhhh, I just don't know what I'll end up doing, at least getting it off my chest has helped and now only 8 rows + fringe to go....
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If she sent you yarn and you never recieved it then there is a problem with the post office and you should file a claim for it. If she sent it Fed-Ex of UPS Ground it had insurance and will be replaced.


Maybe instead of being resentful you should be happy that she is so excited about this beautiful handmade gift from you.


I don't understand why you didn't tell her you didn't recieve the yarn in the first place the 1st time she asked about it. Why would you assume she spaced out and thought she sent it just because you didn't recieve it. As expensive as homespun is - that's certainly a purchase I would remember.


It's a beautiful ghan. Some people believe that the feelings of the person creating ghans can be infused into the fabric. That's the essential belief behind prayer shawls. (I'm praying for you and my prayers will be wrapped around you when you wear it). Do you really want you DIL to be wrapped in resentment.


When I made my Mom her giant round ripple - it was a work of love. A rush to get it done in time and in every stitch my thoughts were - I love you, I miss you! She tells me that every time she uses that ghan (which is every night - it's on her bad) she feels like she's wrapped in a hug from me.


I wouldn't touch it while you still feel like this. Fix the problem with DIL first and then finish it. That's my advice for whatever it's worth.

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RoseRed..I did tell her the first time that I purchased the yarn and then again the second time.

I must say, I have no resentment toward her, she has been a wonderful wife to my only son. She was by his side every moment, going through a living nightmare while he was injured and near death in a foreign country (they were living in Italy, he was in the USAF and deployed to Baghdad, sent to Germany after his injury, then later to Walter Reed). She remained by his side during his recovery and later deployments, giving him nothing but her full support.

I am very lucky to have her for a DIL and he is lucky to have her as his wife!

Whether or not she realizes that I bought the yarn, she will know that I made it for her, in the colors she picked.

I have came to peace with this. If she did mail yarn (she said that she can't remember) maybe someone, somewhere, received a box of yarn and put it to good use.


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It sounds like you are blessed to have such a wonderful wife for your son. I'm sure she will treasure and love this blanket forever!

:yes RoseRed, I have been blessed in so many ways. It was all just a misunderstanding and I think that she has had so much going on that she honestly can't remember.

It is but a small bump in the road, in the grand scheme of things.

Thanks :hug

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