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bit of a rant

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I am soooo close to finishing the main part of the v-stitch (my favorite stitch!) afghan. Just one more skein really. But.... as usual, at this point I'm getting bored with it. I love the thing and can't wait for it to be finished. I even have the contrasting color for the edging! (Even though, I went into Jo-Ann's for one 2-3 dollar skein and ended up with 7 more! totaling $30. But.... it was so pretty!) However, I just don't know when I'm going to get to that point. It's just taking soooooo long.


Oh well, I want it to be done by this Friday and I know that it can be done. Besides, my fiancee will be back on Friday and I know he will be ecstatic to have a blanket that we can actually keep! :lol

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Take a break from it. Whip up a hat or something small and then try working on the blanket. It may be good to just take a break and try it again in a few days.


Good luck. Keep the faith that you will get it done.



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i agree...take a few days off and you have to tell yourself "i'm taking a few days off" because if you don't say that to yourself, the guilt will eat at you. at least it eats at me, but if i agree with myself that i'm taking a break, the guilt isn't as bad.

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I can relate. By the time I finish an afghan I usually hate it and have to practically beat myself to get it done. But the result is worth it, whether it's you that's enjoying it or a gift for someone else. I agree about taking a break and making something small--that breaks the boredom up a bit.

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I finally finished it! I ended up modifying it a bit. So, it's a little shorter than I would have liked but my sanity is ok with that! Also, the border was going to have a stripe of a contrasting creamy yellow, but now it's just all the solid green color. Honestly, it still looks good and I know my guy will be just as thrilled with it. I'm just glad that it's completely done. Even the ends are weaved in!



I did however end up playing around with the tunsian knit stitch while putting it on hold for a bit and discovered that I love that stitch and now want to get a bigger hook to use with my worsted yarn better! So, finished my blanket and discovered a new great stitch!

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