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June is ... and idea help

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June is prostate cancer awareness month and, ironically enough, my grandpa found out a little over a week ago that his prostate cancer is back. I want to make him something in light blue (the color of the ribbon for this month), but I have no idea what. It's too hot for a blanket or slippers or something like that. I've got two little boys, and so I'd like to include them in some way. Any ideas on what I could make him? Doesn't even necessarily have to be crochet related, but if it is all the better. Thanks in advanced!

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I´m sorry to hear about your grandpa. I´ll guess a litte present from his granddaughter and great grandsons will cheer him up :) What interests does he have?

If you choose a theme of some sort, your kids could maybe make him a picture and you could make him something with the same theme..?

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maybe you can crochet him a picture frame in blue for a picture of the you and the boys.or maybe a ribbon blue bookmark.

then there is always the crocheted remote controller holder that you could do in blue..or a nightstand trash can crochet in blue..

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How about a roll-brim hat out of Peaches and Cream cotton? That way it will be cool for the hot weather, it will keep the sun off his head, and you can do it in the color of your choice since P & C comes in every color you can imagine! Here's a simple pattern for a roll-brim hat. This pattern calls for felting, but obviously you can't felt cotton, but the style of the hat reminds me of the crushable hat that my Dad always wore when he went fishing. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the great ideas ladies. I'm sorry I didn't get back here sooner, but we just got some not so great news and I've been a bit distracted.

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One year we got my dad at sweatshirt that said "Best Grandpa Hands Down" - it came with paint so kids could put thier hand prints on it, and possibly sign thier names. Ironically it was the same year my dad had prostrate cancer and now it's a nice keepsake for my dad since my son passed away. Anyways, if its hot where y'all are you could always make your own t-shirt for him, or use a canvas hat.


Hope all goes well for your family,


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