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Frustration is...

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... when you need to crochet an item and yet it just doesn't seem to go right.


I am trying to make something for a friend of mine who's expecting her second baby. And it's just not coming along. Normally I can whip something up in a few days. Not this time!


After dithering about for awhile, I settled on making the baby a little cardigan in 3ply yarn. The bub will be born in November - our summer time, so I wanted something lightweight and still useful.


However I have tried 4 different patterns, and attempted to make something 6 different times and I'm still at square one. It's driving me crazy. I'm about ready to put my hook away in disgust and simply give the baby a storebought gift.


I've gone through so many pattern sites that I'm starting to go cross-eyed and I still can't land on -the- pattern that will suit for this little bub. I'm saving making a blanket for when the baby arrives, and I'm not in the mood to make a toy (having recently made a bunch of monkeys for gifts!). And I have about a week before needing to post the gift off.


So here's my cry for help from one crocheter to another! Does anyone have any foolproof, absolute favourite patterns for a gorgeous little jacket for 0-3 months size in baby yarn?

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I wish I could be of some help, but what you described is exactly what happens to me every time I set out to make something for someone! I choose something, start it, frog it, restart it, frog it, start something else, frog THAT, start something ELSE, put it down, and go on to something that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original project! I thought that was how everyone crocheted! :lol

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As these things usually happen... about an hour after posting this, I came across a pattern that I liked! So far it's working, not a single frog yet. Just the sleeves to go and I'm done. I will be so relieved when this is finished. It's been driving me crazy.


Thank you very much for the suggestions. I have bookmarked those for the next time I get stuck! I'm thinking I really should be more organised and make a few little cardigans/toys and set them aside for when friends announce pregnancies/little ones have birthdays! That way I'll be prepared without tearing my hair out like I have this time! It's hardest when you're trying to crochet to a deadline I think.


Elle, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this! I have about three projects on the go and keep swapping between them because the baby jacket's been so frustrating! Thank goodness it's nearly done now!

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