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Nice thank you from Project Linus Coordinator

Needle Arts

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I know many of us are blanketeers for Project Linus and thought I post this thank you from our local coordinator (the "Darlene" is not me, we just have the same first name) ---



I want to thank all of my blanketeers for meeting my call when I said that I needed more boy blankets and that I needed more teen and large size blankets. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to fill the order I received today for 50 blankets - only sizes needed were large and teen! A few months ago I was trying to come up with a dozen. This weekend Jim and Peggy helped me to sort and bag blankets and I was amazed at how many large and teen size blankets there were. I don't have a specific number, but I am confident that I can meet the 50 blanket request. I want to thank Jim and Peggy for several hours of sorting and bagging (we processed 200+ blankets). I am now in the process of trying to find homes for these blankets. Thank you to all my blanketeers for all the hours that you have spent making these blankets. We really enjoy looking at the blankets and getting ideas for ourselves. There were several I would have liked for myself due to the patterns and the colors used. Jim (one of my male blanketeers) really enjoyed looking at the quilts to get ideas - he is a new quilter that does beautiful work.

Again, thank you blanketeers for all you work in helping to make some child a little happier and keep those larger sizes coming!


Kitsap County Project Linus Coordinator

(End Quote)


I so enjoy working with this group. Beside the many crochet and knit blankets, they recieve beautiful quilted blankets as well. Our meeting place is adjacent to a fabric store (that teaches quilting classes and has a weekly knitting group) and during our blanket days, it is not uncommon for persons visiting the store to buy yarn or fabric and walk it over to us for donation. It has been exciting to see youth groups and girl scouts come in a sew or attach labels. Really makes my heart swell with happiness.

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