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joining skeins



Hi all, here's my first question for your experts, and I know it's very simple, but bear with me. :blush What's the best way to join skeins in the middle of a project? I've been trying to do the Russian joining I saw on another site (www.angelfire.com/wv/happ...sian.html) which looks so east, but I'm not weaving correctly and the two ends fall apart. I just made some scarves using a puff stitch, so I was able to make a tiny knot and hide it in the stitch, but now I'm working on something where I can't hide the knot. My mom was no help--she said she always just makes a knot, but since she just makes afghans, I guess she never worries about hiding the knot.


TIA!! Patty

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6 answers to this question

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I don't do any knotting--when I need to start the new skein, I'll start the stitch with the old yarn, drop the old yarn (and kinda hold it against the piece so things don't go all wonky), pick up the new one (leaving about 6 inches or so to weave in), and finish the stitch. It's a little tricky the first couple of times til you get the hang of having all the strands running this way and that. You might need to tug on the yarn ends a bit afterward to tightnen up the stitch. Then later just weave the ends in. Depending on the stitch/pattern you're using, it's usually easier to do it at the beginning/end of a row.


I've tried doing the Russian join and I totally don't get it. I wish I knew someone who knew how to do it so I could get them to show me in person--I just can't quite manage it from the instructions I've seen...


edited to add: This is pretty much how I do it: www.stitchguide.com/stitc...hange.html

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I also do it the way Stacey does, but I also crochet over the ends as I go along so there's no need for weaving in ends later, something I absolutely HATE to do!:bang It's always worked well for me. I took a look at that russian method and I can't for the life of me imagine going through all that rigamarole to join the ends when the other way is so much easier! :eek2 I have yet to have had a problem with anything coming apart, so I'm sticking to the easy method. :loco

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I do as Goldi. I do the joining without knots and stitch over the ends as I go. MUCHO easier and you don't have to go back and weave in. I've been doing this for over 30 years of crocheting and NEVER had anything come apart. Didn't matter what it was I made.:)h


Good luck!

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