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Furry Yarn

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Hi all! I tried to do a search about washing skeins of yarn that are full of pet fur, but was unsuccessful.

I received a huge garbage bag full of yarn from the DH's friend's wife, but most of it is so covered with fur, it grosses me out and am not sure I want to make anything with it.

Is there a way to save it by washing? How? Do I pull the skein all apart or leave it? Stick it in a pillow case? But if I do that, won't the fur still be in the pillow case?

Any advise...



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Have you tried using one of those rolling-tape-lint-remover things? The kind that you roll across fabric, then peel the paper off when it's not sticky anymore? That might remove some hair before washing.

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You could try washing them in a mesh bag, you know the kind for washing sweaters or lingerie, that would let the hair 'out' I would think. I washed some skeins the other week with several of a similar color in the bag and it worked OK. Had to make sure I dried them all thoroughly and rewind a couple into balls (they were a tangled mess). I did it to soften them.

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Using the dryer with the heat off, the lint trap was the best way to get the pet hair off my slip covers. I just need a bigger dryer to let it tumble better to get more off!

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Thank you for the input. I think the fur is all the way thru the skeins, im not sure. Hubby and his mom went thru the bag and thru away half of it, cause it was disgusting.

I will try the mesh bag, see if that works.

Thanks all.


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