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What I found this AM!!!

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I also have 4 cats. When my youngest female was still a baby, if she heard either of my 2 oldest cats get in the litter, she'd go tearing over and jump in also. Talk about Kodak moments! I have no idea how she thought this up.


So if Bear was in the litter, Tia would hop right in with him. If Avril was in there, Tia would hop right in with her. To see the looks on their faces was priceless! I hadn't laughed that hard in years! I just said to Bear and Avril "Hey, what do you want from me? You're the cats. You're supposed to be teaching her. She's just curious!"


Tia did this over and over. And she looked so innocent about it too.

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My moms cat never put anything in the box, but once I found 3 balls of yarn next to it. When I was crocheting at moms house, her cat kept trying to grab my hook from my hand. I gave her a spare hook and she swatted it all over the room. Mom said she always goes for the knitting needles too.

Ellie 13

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I sometimes call random balls of yarn my "kittyball" and sit there and pet them. But I have NEVER had one actually try to use the litterbox all by it's lonesome. I guess it's be around stash so long it's grown a personailty, and legs!

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I sometimes call random balls of yarn my "kittyball" and sit there and pet them. But I have NEVER had one actually try to use the litterbox all by it's lonesome. I guess it's be around stash so long it's grown a personailty, and legs!

Too funny!!!

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