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Anyone Trying to Make Spirals?

The Shrone

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I've been totally hooked *pun not intended* on Patricia Kristoffersen's "Doilies With A Twist" pattern book, and have successfully made two doilies that have "spirals". At first I was just happy to have everything turn out ok, but I'm on my third doily from the book and would like to figure out how I can get my spirals to look tighter and neater---like the ones pictured in the book.


If anyone out there has been making spirals and has some tips, tricks, and techniques that they know of, I'd be so happy to hear from you!


I wind up my spirals before stitching them into place on the next round, but they get stretched out. I feel like I'm doing something wrong!


Save me before I spiral out of control! (Pun intentended this time)


~ Lori

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I'll tell you what Lori - I was at Michaels today looking for thread and doily patterns and saw that book. I picked it up, I studied it, and I decided that you were definitely the spiral queen and I would bow to your skill and try to learn from you. :hug There are some beautiful doilies in that book, and I need a little more experience I think before I decide to try them. I want to though, the ones you have shown us are absolutely stunning. :nworthy

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Without being mean, I'm glad you're having that problem, too. I was afraid it was only me! On my first one out of that book, I used sport weight yarn for a VERY interesting centerpiece. But the spirals were hard to control. The next one I used #10 thread and they did stay better, but were too long and skinny. They seem to "pop out" when you join them at the top. So I decided that's the key is the joining and I haven't figured that out yet. I'm anxious to hear tips from others, too.

Susan Rae

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I had that problem with a smaller PK design that used spirals, too. They just looked messy, even though mine were pretty tight (like everything else I crochet).


I just got the Doilies With a Twist in the mail last week and havne't had time to work on any of those doilies yet... I have no tips. :( I guess we're all going to go through this together (and Lori, I thought your doilies from the manual looked great!)

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