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Sunday Ja6th Annies Freebie - way cute

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For a long time, I hated having to sew squares or motifs together. I had an enormous amount of squares made for an afghan that sat in a plastic container for about 2 years. Then not long ago, I decided to put them together... so I started and within a couple of weeks of just doing it here and there between other things... I finished!! Then I crocheted a border around it and voila! I had a completed afghan. It turned out much prettier than I imagined, and it is now displayed on the end of my bed. Matches the comforter I use, too. I find that if I just tackle it, I can do it. It's getting motivated to get started that I have a problem with.

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It is a very pretty pattern. I love that turquoise color, especially against the white. It's very striking. :) As far as weaving in ends goes, I did a kaleidoscope afghan for my boss for Christmas in one week, there were hundreds and hundreds of ends to weave. What's a few more? :lol



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I started a great afghan that uses 5.5 inch squares but the way it is done, you have to put it together with a sl st on the back. Sl St doesn't allow you to work in ends as you go so I have literally stalled on that because of those dumb ends.


I started taking the yarn with me when I went "for tea with a friend. The problem is that it is dangerous to take a (highly valued) tapestry needle out visiting so I have all those squares and not a one has the end woven yet. I like to do a few and then do ends; when they get too far ahead of my weaving, I avoid it like the plague.

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