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I just felted my first bag and it came out pretty lovely. However I need to attach the straps. I have seen these metal ring-like things people punch through the bag and insert the handle...if someone understands what I'm talking about...what are they? I would like to try that with my bag.

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When you use grommets on a thick fabric like felted wool, you may need to snip a little hole because the fabric is probably too thick for the grommets themselves to pierce it. Also, for your first time using grommets, make sure you get grommets that include the tool for inserting them. After that, you can just purchase the grommets themselves.


Good luck!



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I'm going to try grommets another time, but I'm currently using a large felted bag with no grommets--I just pierced the fabric and threaded the handles in--and I have been amazed with the strength and sturdiness of both bag and handles. So if you can't find them (although it shouldn't be a problem), I think you would be safe just boring holes.

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I've made a number of the felted bags and haven't use the grommets either and my bags have held up fine. I just poked a hole in the felted fabric with the point of a letter opener and then just twisted and pushed the letter opener through until I had a small hole.

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I've made a few bags too and I haven't used grommets at all. On one of them I just put the handles in and knotted the ends together before I felted it. On another one I felted everything and then slit the round handles and stitched one side to the inside and one side to the outside using doubled thread. And on another one I stitched the handle on with yarn and then felted. All those ways work well and hold up. I suppose I will have to try the grommets next.

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