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Red running

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You need to rinse a piece like that with warm water until the water runs clear. I learned this one the hard way myself last year. I am very careful now, when I use a strong color especially the reds in conjunction with a lighter color. It it's isn't dry you can still rinse it out and it stands a chance of coming clean.

Mine was on a submission piece that was on a deadline. Had to redo it in super big hurry to meet their timeline. Stayed up a whole night to complete it in time. Never want to go through that again.

I did talk to the Representatives at the thread company and they are the ones who told me how to prevent a future disaster.

I have used lots of this combo since with no problems. Just finished one that uses the light and dark threads and it came out fine.

Sorry this happened to you.

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I tried on the smaller piece, but it had dried and didn't help. The big Christmas one is mine and even with the red running, it really pretty. It's a simple pattern but the stitch work looks really nice, so I'm just gonna enjoy it. Although, I might try a bleach pen.

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I've also heard that if you soak the piece/thread in a salt water solution (I think they said epsom salts) that it will help prevent bleeding and fading. Haven't tried it myself yet though

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I use a salt/vinegar/water soak for my reds and sometimes for blacks as well. Use 1 cup water, 2 tsps salt and 2 tsps vinegar. Mix it all up to disolve the salt then soak your thread in it for an hour. Let it dry and then work away. This works on embroidery floss as well as crochet cotton. There is nothing worse than having a colour run and ruin your work.


I hope this helps you in the future.



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