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Lacy Jacket CAL


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Karen, no offense taken! I was honestly joking so please don't think I was upset with you!


Well, I am working on the trim right now and this is pretty much the same basic principle as the Circle Jacket (from what I can remember) but the trim is different.


So far those are the only errors I found so plug away!


I am not making sleeves on this first one as I live in Florida and will be able to wear it much more if I make it sleeveless! I am going to make a 2nd one after I finish mine for a co-worker of mine and I will probably make the sleeves on that one.


I'm making the 2XL and I must say that it fits me perfectly and I'm a 3XL so either my gauge is off or their numbers are. (Although I confess I've never been good at checking my gauge! LOL)


Hazlecreek - Actually, I don't think you need to frog. IMO I would think you'll just be one row short and personally I don't know if that's going to cause a major problem in the end. Now, I could be totally wrong here but if you have worked several rows, I think I would just add one more "standard no increasing row" before shaping the armholes and I think you'll be fine!


Unless I run into major problems I should have mine done tomorrow, by Sunday at the latest and then I can really get serious about gauge and stuff on the other one!




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Thanks for the tip Donna, but I had already frogged some rows thinking that I missed something, so it wasn't a biggie to frog the rest. I back on track now anyway! :D


I like your ideal about makeing it sleeveless. Being in Dallas that would be a good ideal too. For this one though I think I'm going to add the sleeves, but do something about the neck lace. It's a bit much for me so I'm going to play around with either makeing it shorter or just not at all.

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Thanks for the tip Donna, but I had already frogged some rows thinking that I missed something, so it wasn't a biggie to frog the rest. I back on track now anyway! :D


I like your ideal about makeing it sleeveless. Being in Dallas that would be a good ideal too. For this one though I think I'm going to add the sleeves, but do something about the neck lace. It's a bit much for me so I'm going to play around with either makeing it shorter or just not at all.


You know what I would do about that? Instead of working the trim in the rounds, work it in rows only along the bottom! I think that would look great! In fact, I'm really not liking how "big" the neck is myself and am considering redoing the edging only along the bottom myself!

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Well, I've finished the hard part and now I'm on to the body. confused05.gif I think I'm going to make this part a bit longer then what it calls for. I only needed three skeins, but had four in my stash so I may try to use it up.


As for anymore problems, yes there were some. My count was right at the end of 11 row. I had the called for 61, but when I went to do the underarm shapeing the numbers were off. They wanted me to V in the next 7 V's to the corner and I had 8 to get to the coner. Then after my 5 ch/sc I needed to skip 13 to get to the corner, but I had 14. :think We I counted their numbers theirs don't add up to 61. Donna is this were your numbers were wrong?


Well, I'm for to finish the body...:yarn

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I've got the first 3 rows done of the medium size and noticed that there wasn't a row 4 so I went right here to find out if anyone else noticed and yep someone did! Love this list. So I'll go and figure out what I need to do.


I never thought of my colors being munchies but I guess they are! I love the chocolate color...such a nice brown color. I think it would be neat to be the one naming all the yarn colors...they all sound so good.


Off to work some more on my jacket.



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Well, I've finished the hard part and now I'm on to the body. confused05.gif I think I'm going to make this part a bit longer then what it calls for. I only needed three skeins, but had four in my stash so I may try to use it up.


As for anymore problems, yes there were some. My count was right at the end of 11 row. I had the called for 61, but when I went to do the underarm shapeing the numbers were off. They wanted me to V in the next 7 V's to the corner and I had 8 to get to the coner. Then after my 5 ch/sc I needed to skip 13 to get to the corner, but I had 14. :think We I counted their numbers theirs don't add up to 61. Donna is this were your numbers were wrong?


Well, I'm for to finish the body...:yarn


Sorry I'm not much help but since I made the 2XL size I don't know about the other sizes. I know my counts started being off on Row 5 but like I said, I just added stitches to make the row counts correct.


Well I'm pretty much finished with the exception of the buttons which I will finish tomorrow. I frogged ALL of the trim as I was really not liking how it was so big around the neck. I opted to just do the trim along the bottom edge and I know this sounds funny but I'm not sure I like it. It doesn't lay very well... I dunno... Once I finish the buttons I'll have my hubby take a pic of me wearing it to get some critiques...


In my estimation, this one looked better on the model than in real life, but isn't that always how it is? :think

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Boy this one is sure working up nice. I'm almost done with the body now..can't wait to start the trim. I must say I love this chocolate color also...I think it's going to go with most anything I own. I'm thinking about making it in a green color too. Hubby likes me in green!



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ok...got to the first cut away row and realized that I don't have the same number of V stitches. I'm making the medium row. But if I go back to Row 1 of the body I only add to 37 V stitches plus the edge stitches. Which I misread apparently. I thought it meant 39 V's if you added in the edge stitches. But I think I should be ok because 8 + 1 + 19 + 1 + 8 = 37 not 39. But can someone who is also making the medium that has gotten passed this verify it for me?? thanks a bunch.



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I'm makeing the medium also, but my count has been messed up since I finished row 11.:think I had 61 V stitches when I finished, but when I went to add in the underarm my count to the corner was off my 1 all the way around. (when it said I needed to V stitch in the next 6 to the corner I had 7 V stitches to get to the corner.)


Anyway, I ended up having 41 V stitches before my first cut-away row. Not sure it that is going to help you or mess you up more. I'm now working the edging and just hoping that the lace trim part turns out or I will have to "make" it work.:yes

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I think it's ironic that they don't have a corrections page on their website. After all the corrections that were done by people who actually made the Circle Jacket, they should at least provide some further clarification. Geez, they(pulishers) just can't get it right.

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Well, it is the same designer... So I'm sure that made it easier to figure out what to do... My cirlce jacket is sitting in limbo right now... One arm almost done and one arm not started yet. I will probably not make this one, but I think it would be a good idea to simplify these instructions a little more. Great concept... just a little tweaking.

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Well I finished my first one and am somewhat happy with it. It's not as nice as the one in the pattern but I think it'll be nice to wear with a tank top or something like that.


I am going to start on the 2nd one for my friend as soon as I find out what size she is. As soon as I can I will get a pic of this one to share.


The only thing you need to be careful of with stitch counts is to make sure that if the pattern calls for an odd number of stitches you have an odd number or if it's even, make sure you have an even number of stitches. When you do the trim it won't line up right if you are 1 stitch more or less than called for, but 2 stitches would work fine. Does that make sense?


Can't wait to see everyone else's pics!!!

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Thanks for the tip Donna. I haven't worked on my jacket much in the past few days. I still have to put the sc trim around the bottom. It's says a mup. of 6 plus 1 so I'll make sure that that's what I have.


I can't wait to see a picture of yours! Did you forgo the sleeves?

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Yes that does make sense! I don't feel so bad about 37 now. I brought it with me to work to work on during my lunch break, so hopefully it will go well. I want to get this one finished as I got an email from amazon saying the newest book by Doris Chan is headed my way! yea!



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Where's everyone? I leave for a couple of days and everyone is gone!!!! Yes I did forgo the sleeves for the first one but I think I'll do 1/2 sleeves on the 2nd one. I finally found out my friends size so I'm going to start hers next week!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got mine finished several week ago, but put off getting batteries for my camera. Got them now!




Well, as you can see I didn't make it lacy either. The pattern was getting to hard for me to follow, not sure how much was their errors or the fact that I haven't really made any garments before. I like this much better anyway! I can see myself wearing it over a long sleeve shirt and have already worn it over a tank top. I have gotten loads of complaments on it and I'm really pround of it. I have yet to find a button or pen that I want to sure on it but I did find an earring that looks good with it, that I may try to convert into some type of pen. I'll let you know what happens. :manyheart

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