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K-Tel's nifty knitter

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Surprize. Got this in a recent ebay win mingled with some vintage knitting needles. While I remember the company K-Tel and that they were notorious for odd gadgetry, I'd never heard of this; had to do some googling :) What a riot! The old commercial for this product is over at Youtube if you want to see what I'm describing. Basically, it is a knitting needle with an eye at the end like a sewing needle, and you thread through the needle's eye, make a slip knot, and keep going through the loop to make a chain, over and over....they should have called it nifty crocheter. The upside of the piece it makes is that it can be cut!! Don't know that I'll ever use them, but I think it's pretty cool addition to my collection. Oh, and it is turquoise and red...very 70s.

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I have thinking about this item for years and years and had always wanted one...I had forgotten that it was called a Nifty Knitter...thank you for the memories...I remember the commercials...and mainly I wanted one because you could cut the fabric you made from it...

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