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Shells and V's



Hello All!


I'm just found a stitch that I'm curious to try on a hat or a bag but the directions are not meant to work for in a round.


http://chezcrochet.com/page27.html It is the shells and v's in rows stitch that i'm looking at. But I think some modifications maybe needed for a round. (And if i want to work it into the bag that i like it would be 84 stitches.... and the requirement is multiples of 8 plus 1.) So i was wondering what modifications maybe needed with the round and if that plus 1 is really neccessary?


Thank you for all your help!



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4 answers to this question

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:cheer I do a hat in shells, in the round, but I start off with DCs to increase.

I do the normal 12 DC into a ring then work 3 or 4 rows of increases as normal.

This is not quite big enough for a hat but on the first row of Shells, I start with a SC into the very first stitch, then only SK 1 stitch where the instructions say to SK 2 and do the shell into the next stitch.

Sometimes you need to fiddle a little to get the shells to fit so you are back to a SC at the end of the row. Join with a SL ST.

When you start the second round, you can either CH3 and turn or just CH 3 and work 2DC into the base of the CH (Half a shell made) then work the last 2DC into the same place, when you get to the end of the row. Join with a SL ST to the top of the CH3.

I usually turn at the end of each row if I am making a scarf to match so the pattern looks the same on both.

To bake bigger or smaller, just start off with one or two stitches more or less at the very start.

This makes a big difference when you start to do your shell pattern.

:hook The Shell I am referring to is the one which is normally 1SC, *SK2 STS, 5DC into next ST, SK2 STS, 1SC into next.* rep * to *.

Next row, CH3, 2DC into same place as CH, *SK 2DC, 1SC into next DC, SK2DC, 5DC into next SC* repeat * To * but ending last repeat with 3DC into last SC CH1, turn.

This is the basic Shell between shells and makes a nice solid but pretty fabric.

Have fun.


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