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I'm a crochet stalker!

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I just got back from vacation. The other night at dinner - 100s of miles from home - I saw a lady at the next table wearing the most gorgeous thread crochet jacket with a hood. I could hardly eat my dinner for examining it to determine the pattern and construction.


In the past I have been known to stop and sketch a garment I'm interested in so I can try to recreate it on my own (if a person isn't IN the garment!)


I was dying to have a picture of this jacket, so I asked my son to take a picture on my cell phone (the lady had her back to us). I told him to be sure and act like he was just text messaging so the other people at the table wouldn't become alarmed if they saw him pointing the phone in their direction. Unfortunately the sun glaring in the window ruined the picture. I almost had my son stroll around the table to try and shoot another view but I decided I just might be crossing into full fledged stalkerhood so I reluctantly left without a picture of this GORGEOUS jacket that I want to make!!!

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I have been guilty of this myself.


I was in the grocery store, and I was trying to pretend I was texting, but I couldn't get a good shot either!


OMG!! I can't believe I'm not the only one who has done this!! :)

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You should have stopped to talk to her, even if just "that jacket/sweater/purse" is so beautiful! Maybe she made it... (and would share the pattern), and maybe you could have made a crocheting friend...


Then again, maybe she just would have laughed? In any case, asking about a gorgeous item would be taken as a compliment!

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You guys are bolder than I am!


Probably in a different setting I might have said something to her, like if I saw her in a store or at a party or something like that. But I was reluctant to approach her while she was having dinner in a restaurant with a group of people. If I had ran into her on the way out the door, maybe I would have commented on her jacket and hopefully found out where she got it (or got the pattern).

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