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Making a Lining for Purse using Fabric-Tac

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I recently made a hobo bag and it needed a lining. misssmaggie suggested I use Fabric-Tac for the seams. This stuff is fantastic! I didn't know there was anything like that available. I cut out my fabric "sewed" up the seams with the Fabric-Tac and I now have a lining for my bag. Just have to sew it in the bag. Which I was going to do with a regular needle and thread. Would using the Fabric Tac work? How do you do yours?


So, if you have used Fabric-Tac, what kind of hints and suggestions do you have for using it? What have you used it for?


Now, maybe I can dig out those first original tote bags I made and never finished because they needed a lining. :think


Oh no, I just thought, now that means I will be spending time in the fabric department.....better buy some more storage containers :eek .

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Thanks Briana!


I use my Fabic-Tac for so many project. I even use it...sometimes...to secure my yarn when I fasten off or chage colors !!! Thanks for sharing!




Oh, I need to get some of this! :P

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I always keep the Fabric Tac on hand. I just wonder how it would work to add crocheted applique's to crocheted afghans and such....anyone try this?

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I use fabric tac on a lot of things. I glue my wiggle eyes on with it, and I glue felt to crochet. I have not tried to glue a lining in...but it seems like it would work. If anything came apart, it would still be inside the crochet portion of the bag and nothing would get lost.

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I used fabric glue to put the roses, leaves, and stems on a doily once. It worked great! I really hate having to sew little things like that and decided what the heck. Came out wonderful.

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