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Making your first pattern.. I have never ever made anything that didn't already have a pattern. in reality i am too scared to try and fail.. i do fine if I have an already made pattern, but not so well if i have to figure it out on my own. did anyone else feel the same way? can you look at a picture and figure out the pattern from that??

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I'm intimidated by making up flat patterns (blankets, shawls, etc), but I love to create stuffed animals. I think it's more fun to bring that mental image to life through crochet than it is to copy what some one else has done. There's a greater sense of accomplishment.


If you're going to try and fail at anything, crochet's a good medium to do it with. You can always frog it if you don't like it, it's not an expensive failure (since you can reuse the yarn), and you don't have to share your failure with anyone. You'll never know until you try!

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I've made (and frogged) quite a few designs. My only problem is remembering to write it down as I go. I'm really good at creating stuffed animals. I've even entered some afghan contests. I only sold 2 designs and got one honerable mention. My family likes my stuff and always wants to know what I'm making.

Ellie 13

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To be honest I wing just about everything I make. Problem is I don't write it down as I go so everything is "one of a kind". I've always been like that though. I think I have only followed and actual pattern for an afghan once. I just settle on a stitch I like and figure out the schematics and start right in. If it doesn't work out I frog it. Remember you can't be a perfectionest other wise there would never be any creativity.


Your fear of making a mistake will stifle your ability to enjoy the designing process. Remember all stitches in crochet were created by someone and they were probably a mistake the very first time.


Also remember most patterns are trial and error in the writing stages. You do something and it works so you write it down, if it doesn't work rip it out. Do you think that people that write those designs just sit down and do it without some mistakes along the way?

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One time I was looking for an apple to make for my son's teachers. I found two patterns and tried them both. I didn't like either one of them so I winged it. It came out good! So I wrote the pattern out so I would have it for next year. I also made up a game boy case, and a remote control holder. You just have to make yourself try it. You might be really good at it!

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