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Disappointed with Crochet! mag

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I agree with you, but when Carol Alexander, the editor, says her target audience is as such, I guess that's what it is. I was surprised too. I thought it would have way more range than that for the reasons you've specified. But according to Carol - really, her words were exact - that's their target audience. Surprising, eh? I would have figured about 30 (or very late 20's) - mid 50's. I can't say I could see a 50-something wearing Drew's dress!

That is suprising to hear that Carol said that target. Weird.

Maybe she's just out of touch. Or it was a typo. Or maybe she though moms and grandmothers would crochet it for the younger set in which case that's almost an insult.

Oh I can see some 50 year olds wearing that dress. LOL


If we can remember that there is a young new designer out there just waiting for an acceptance letter... it hasn't happened yet but it will - maybe we can see our money spent on a current issue as a mortgage payment. It doesn't seem like much this month but in the long run boy do we win big!


Thanks for your perspective on the topic. What a great way to put it. It's as though we're investing in our future.


Yes and no.

I see Darski's point. However if you (generic you) doesn't have money to spend on a magazine that hasn't anything you want to make in it, it's a waste. That money could go to another magazine/book or yarn. While the unwanted issue can go to someone who does want it.

Support or no, I'm not buying magazines and books that don't interest me and believe me there are a lot of books on crochet that I'll never buy.


On page 90 of Crochet! is the beaded Cami. A stuffed pengi, I must have a look, so do tell what mag!

You're looking at the July issue.

They're looking at the next issue they got in the mail. Subscribers usually (not always) get magazines before they hit the stores. ;)

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You're looking at the July issue.

They're looking at the next issue they got in the mail. Subscribers usually (not always) get magazines before they hit the stores. ;)


The july one was the one I got in the mail... perhaps I'll get the next one soon.

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I have to speak up here. I have subscribed to Crochet World for years and haven't made very many of their patterns. I enjoy reading their features and as some one else said, I do enjoy having a mini library. I have many other mags I have collected through the years also.


I also wanted to say that tho I'm in the target group for Crochet! mag (44):D I don't care much for it. I have tried this Crochet Today sub and I hope there will be no probelms. I had bought it several times and liked what i saw. I do agree with Darski, alot of this thing is support. The older I get the more important it becomes to me to pass it on.


just my thoughts


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My response to this isn't nearly as thoughtful as others' -- especially Empress Busy Bee's -- but I feel strongly about this one so I'm chiming in with my $.02.


I subscribed last summer, after seeing the issue that had the Missoni-style dress on the cover and the Mango Mesh pullover and a few other really gorgeous items. But I've been disappointed that they haven't had nearly as many things in those genres again over the past year. I personally don't care for fun fur except as a border on cutesy girl things and for a while, it seemed like nearly every wearable pattern was fun fur, and nearly all the patterns were for shrugs and shawls. Shawls are not at all to my taste, nor the tastes of my friends, mother, mother-in-law, etc. and there's a limit to how many shrugs I want to own.


The issue with the Missoni-like cover must have been a real departure for them, since I've never seen another issue with two or more things that are to my taste, which made it the wrong data point for me to base a year-long subscription on.


I don't think that the perfect crochet magazine for me exists. It would probably be a cross between Interweave Crochet and Crochet Today, with a focus on functional and modern tailored wearables, none of which I'm seeing a lot of in the magazines.


Just my $.02, since I've been grievously unhappy with the patterns I've been seeing lately.




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I have to say, I agree with 100% of what you said, Pragmatica. Those would be two magazines whose styles I look towards the most with the same slant on the modern aesthetic. I've always joked that I design with the Anthrpologie market in mind, but I dress like Banana Republic. I have such strong opinions on style, taste, etc. I admire the modern look of the Missoni dress, although I'd never wear it. It would be too bold for me. I still love seeing it in magazines and would go out of my way to buy publications that produced such items, despite not being in my design or wearing aesthetic.

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Yeah, she said it last week at CGOA. She wasn't reading from a script either. I believe the panel was asked to describe in a nutshell what their magazine targeted..age-wise, style-wise. When she said that age bracket, again, I was surprised and joted it down in my notes. I still don't see how that's that case!


You know what struck me even more than those particular ages was how limited the age bracket was. It's baerly a 10 year spred. I wonder how a crochet magazine would get so many subscriptions and followers with a limited audience as such - limited because it's only a mere 10 years or so.


That is suprising to hear that Carol said that target. Weird.

Maybe she's just out of touch. Or it was a typo. Or maybe she though moms and grandmothers would crochet it for the younger set in which case that's almost an insult.

Oh I can see some 50 year olds wearing that dress. LOL

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I just read this thread.... where I live there are none. Only mags you could find would be kintting and these are a limited too. No libraries and no bookstores that have any kind of book or mag... you seem to have so many options there :)

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