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When I went for my last eye exam, I mentioned that I was starting to do a lot of close work. She suggested taking breaks and looking at distances as much as possible. I also sit at a computer all day. I'm supposed to go look out the window.


When I'm in the car (carpool w/husband), I try to look up and stare at road signs and business signs. I'm having trouble reading them now. I stare at them and they don't come into focus until we get closer. Am I wrecking my eyesight?

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If you're straining while you're doing close work -you're certainly not helping it.


With the computer - you can change the size of what you see on the screen in IE and in Firefox by holding down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse wheel. Making the picture on the screen bigger helps a lot.

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When I worked, the eye Dr told me that a computer will break down your eyes, but you should look at something else once in a while.

If you are crocheting in the dark (i.e in the car), or with dark colors, you are probably straining your eyes. Same thing happens if you read alot.

I have to stop what I am doing to give my eyes a rest. :hook

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How old are you - as soon as I turned 40, my eyesight changed. I don't need prescription glasses but use the ones you buy in the drug store. I can't do computer work, reading or crocheting without them :eek

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I wear trifocals (darn things) and don't do as much quilting at night or with dark colors anymore. Yes, I too was told to look away from the computer screen often and when I'm doing hand work. I also found it helpful to crochet with my Ott Light on. I do most of my work at night because I work part time as a medical transcriptionist at night. If I'm tired or pushing to get a project done I will use cheap drug store magnifer glasses in a strength stronger than my prescription lenses (BAD ME!). Hey, sometimes you do what you have to do!!!!

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Protect your eyes......my mom has mascular degeneration and has lost enough sight she can't drive, she does still live alone, but is totally dependent on the family for shopping, appointments, etc..... It is sad she can't pay her bills or even see what they are....she has trouble cooking because she can't see the buttons on the micro and stove..she can't read,do hobbies etc....She is taking shots that cost 2500.00 a month (thank god for insurance) JUST to keep her eyes from getting worst. they will NEVER get better.....so do whatever it takes to protect your eyesight

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I'm 28. I can actually see great up close (know age will take that away eventually). My distance eyesight has always been crappy, though. I got new contacts in March and already have trouble reading signs.


I'm putting my computer resolution on the highest resolution there is. Maybe that'll help.

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