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Well, it's finally happened....

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I spend so much time on here that I had my first crochet dream last night!


I dreamed that I was sitting at the kitchen table at my mom's house and I had bags and bags of yarn and different granny squares of all shapes and colors and sizes and my parents and my husband and my grandparents were all crowded around me ooh-ing and aah-ing while I crocheted, wanting to hear all about what I was making.


I think I dreamed about it because I fell asleep late last night after crocheting furiously on my latest FBB. I want to finish it tonight so I can wear it to my cousin's bridal shower on Sunday and show it off, so I guess I fell asleep thinking about working on it and getting it done and lined in time. :c9 :c9 :c9


Am I a nerd or what??? :hook

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of course not,. just dedicated to your art,. i often have dreams with crochet in it because it is such a big part of my life. i think it was someone trying to tell you something :hook:hook

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oh, honey you are definitely not the first! Recently I've been trying to design my own patterns, so I dream of these extravagent tops that I could never make! I guess when crocheting is all you do all day and you think about it so much, it just carries on in your brain.

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