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Ok, how do you all do hair with yarn on dolls, and make it look so nice!!! lol I've made one doll, that i used yarn for hair, and I can't make it look decent. It just sticks up all over the place. mind you, i was using recycled yarn, from another project. probably not the best idea, since the yarn was sorta kinked.


I was admiring everyone's sarita dolls........and I wish I could do hair like that!!!!!

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I know how you feel. I use to have the same problem, then I did a pattern that explained how to do the hair. My problem and I am not sure this is yours, was that I put yarn on every row. This make the hair very thick and sticking out.

Now what I do is about every other row. I will two full rows when I start and 2 full rows when I finish.

I also add the hair like you do a latch hook rug. I find this secures the yarn. One pattern I have puts knots at the end of the yarn and weaves it through from the inside of the head before the opening gets to small and it is easy to manage. I don't particularly like this method.

Anyway, that is how I do mine.:hook

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when i did my dolls for my girls i knotted each piece of yarn and fed it through the inside of the head. pretty tedious it was but well worth it in the end! i love the thick braids. when i did kassies purple horse i did it latch hook style. i guess you just have to find a method that works for you and go with it!

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Oh, i never thought of using every other round! that makes sense! i think I may just take the hair off the doll i was making, and do it again. and use regular yarn, that is not recycled! Now, to get it away from my son. He has it with him when he's at his grandma's, because he misses me so much. He's so cute! He always asks for something of mine to hold. So far, he's got the doll, a crocheted alien, a crocheted wrap thing ....i think that's it. I think i did it like latch hooking. i've never done latch hooking before. But I folded the yarn i half, drew the looped end through and brought the ends through it and pulled tight.

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