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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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Juli, here are a couple I recommend:


Toes-Up From Grafton Fibers


Stretchy Toes-Up Pattern from Grafton Fibers


In Your Shoes Ankle Socks from crochetme


Also, you can peruse the list at the Feet Need Socks page:


The Feet Need Socks List of Patterns


I really like the top pattern I posted... but if you prefer very specific directions, I'd try the crochetme link. :)



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OK, can I join in too???? A RAOK fairy snet me some things that I have never tried using before, Beads and sock yarn, lol. So now of course I HAVE to try some socks!!!


What I have is "Sock it to me". I am guessing it is fingering weight???? I have two 50g skeins. Is this enough to make a PAIR??


I saw the links above that Jess posted for good first socks to try, thanks Jess!!!!


Why do I have a sneaky feeling I am hooked and just dont realize it yet????? :faint lol



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My third pair of socks are completed! YAY. Yes, I think I officially need to join sock crocheter's anonymous.


You see the finished socks on my blog.


I am getting ready to start my 4th pair. OK...so I am hooked and need help.


I think I may try to come up with my own pattern (of sorts) for this pair if not, I am sure I can find a pattern somewhere.


Is there help for this addiction or should I just let it ride?

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Kimberly, let it ride! :) Socks are addictive and fast and useful. I try not to feel guilty about them (but sometimes I feel guilty about all the sock yarn I buy!) because I actually wear them and use them unlike some of the other things I make. :)


I love those socks! What yarn is that?


I need your help in finding out how you stay focused and finish both socks! I'll make one sock and then get distracted and make a different sock... going back and finishing mates is something I am awful at. :(



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Thanks for allowing this newest sock "issue" to ride :)


The yarn I used was Lion Brand Magic Stripes "regatta blue stripe". I got it at my local Hancock's Fabric Store (actually not too local as I have to drive a bit for it, but alas that's the closest thing I have for sock yarn as Wal Mart didn't have any)


Am hoping I find a LYS in Newport News VA as I will be there next week and have one whole afternoon to veg and shop and already warned DH that I would be dragging him to a shop if I could find one. He is soooo tolerant and I am so blessed :)

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I agree, let it ride! You're making something useful, right? <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cheer.gif" />LOL And I love your socks!


I have trouble with the second sock thing too sometimes... they have to be socks that I REALLY REALLY LIKE and want to wear for me to get the second one done... My lime green ones I finished as fast as I could because I couldn't wait to get them on my feet! My stripey ones are suffering though... I think I got tired of unwinding the skeins from each other. Oh well... I try not to start on another pair til I have at least finished making both of one, whether the ends are sewn in or not yet, and that helps a little bit.


I broke my own rule to work on my friend's socks though... and I actually have most of the toe finished on the second one!



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Oh, and here is my finished Beth Sock... lol


<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v688/cajunwhacko/bethsock1.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v688/cajunwhacko/bethsock1.jpg" height=120 width=160></a>


Fortunately she wears the same size shoes as me. How do you do socks for someone when they wear a different size and you don't have anyone to try them on? Any hints? Short of asking them to mail you their foot? <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/frog1.gif" />



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I just bought two skeins of the Magic Stripes yarn last night. I can't wait for them to come in the mail so I can get started. I am not that great of a knitter, but I am going to try to knit one pair and to crochet the other since it gives a different look with the stitches. Can't wait! Will be my first pair of socks to make.


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I finished my 4th pair of socks (they are on my blog) and am starting on socks for my oldest daughter. Hoping to have them done by tomorrow, but it's not looking so good right now. WAH. Oh well....I am sure I will get more done while in VA later this week if I have any type of energy after our training.

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I just started another pair of socks in my Bernat Denim-Style. No, I haven't finished Beth's second sock. No, I haven't finished my striped ones. But but but... the yarn was calling to me! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/frog1.gif" />


I'll post a pic when they're done, of course! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/bounce012.gif" />


Anne <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/socks.gif" />


Wrapped in Chains

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Finished my 5th pair of socks. :sock

This pair was another pattern I made up for my oldest daughter Cassidy. So, we called the socks, Cassie-O-peah (cassie-OH-peeeah is how she pronounced them)


Will write up the pattern over the weekend for anyone who may want to try it out. It worked up pretty easy and she tells me they are comfortable


You can see the picture on my blog.


Thanks for looking

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I finished the pair that I started last night this morning while mom was checking email. Now I need to go back to the pair for Beth...


<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v688/cajunwhacko/sweatshirtsocks.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v688/cajunwhacko/sweatshirtsocks.jpg" width=160 height=143></a>


This is the 4th pair I've finished... at least, I think they're the fourth! <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cheer.gif" />




Wrapped in Chains

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Karen -- Cassie's socks are so cute!! I'd love to have the pattern when you get a chance to type it up. My stepdaughter would love a pair like that.


Anne -- what yarn did you use for the grey socks? They look fabbbbulous!


I'm still working on my first pair of socks. My husband and I were gone for the weekend, so I didn't get any crocheting done.


I've gotten this far:




Hopefully I'll get the first sock done today. I really like the Bernat Sox yarn. It's really easy to work with and feels so soft.....my tootsies will love it too!


Hugs, Juli


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Thanks Juli.


Will certainly share when it's done.


Think I am going to have to try that Bernat yarn. Don't have any around here. Perhaps I can find some this weekend.


You know you are addicted when you dream of :sheep wearing :sock , right? Yes I did dream of that last night.


Oh well better that then something else. I mean I could have dreamt of something bizarre.

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<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/rotfl.gif" /> Kimberly!


Juli- I used Bernat Denim-Style in Sweatshirt - I got it on sale at Michael's the other day! I wanted to wear them today but I think it's going to be too hot... <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/crying.gif" /> They're nice and soft, I'm glad I frogged them back and used a bigger hook.


Glad to hear that the Bernat Sox is nice too, I ordered some last week to make a baby sweater with. I know, finally get sock yarn and don't use it on socks... <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/wha.gif" />


I'm going to have to figure out how to make a sock gallery on my blog... All of mine are on there, it's just a matter of digging through the posts. (Well, Beth's aren't, because they're super-top-secret - this is the only place they're posted!)


Glad you aren't dreaming about anything weird Kimberly!<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/sheepxmas.gif" />




Wrapped in Chains

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I'd like to try this, I have lots of scrap yarn, bet I could make quite a few pairs of striped or multicolor socks. I'll get a look at some of those patterns later, it's getting late here and I'll be shutting down soon.

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I'm behind in replying to messages in this thread, everybody, sorry! I promise I'll be catching up this week when things calm down here at the board as far as people needing help reigstering and stuff. smile.gif

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I've gone ahead and started a pair of the crochetme socks, they look easy enough. I'm using some yarn I found at our local Big Lots, it didn't have a label so I have no idea what kind it is but it looks a little heavier than fingering which is ok with me since my feet are on the large size. I'll post a pic when I get done.

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Finished my first pair, I made them up and I think I'm going to call them Rainbow Shell Footies. Feel free to snag the pic for the gallery :)





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Thanks, I kinda like them.


Wish I had some sock yarn to try it with, can't afford anything right now but maybe later I'll hit Herrschner's ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Donna and everyone,


I don't have pics up yet, but I do want to share my pattern with you for socks. It's kind of odd the way it works up - very different from some of the patterns out there- but in the end they turn out great. I'll try to get pics up as soon as possible... didn't like the color of the first pair I made and had to make an adjustment or two in the pattern after I finished them- will post a pic soon as a suitable pair is made!


Hope everyone enjoys- pattern is free for personal or charity use. I used WW yarn but of course you could use any yarn you wanted- may have to alter the pattern if the yarn gets too small though.



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Hope everyone enjoys- pattern is free for personal or charity use. I used WW yarn but of course you could use any yarn you wanted- may have to alter the pattern if the yarn gets too small though.


Thanks for sharing the pattern, Marla! :) Can't wait to see pictures!

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I've started another pair, don't know when they'll be finished cause I'm also working on one for Little Blankies and I'm trying to get some of the Rose poufs done to be mailed this week, hopefully.


I'm making the socks up as I go along, hope they turn out the way I see them in my head ;)



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