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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I tried to fill out the join form, but it is not available. Is it still possible for me to join in on this? I have had this booklet for forever, and just have not had the motivation to get started until recently. I'd like to make it in the colors it has pictured, and then do it in my favorite colors, so I have two of those lovely afghans! Anyway, I hope I can still join in!

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Hi Crafty --


( Could you give me your first name ? I always like calling people by their real name )

Of COURSE you can join in ! I was a little worried that this group was fizzling out, but we do still have some ladies out there working on it . We'd love to have you join in !

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Update, update! I've completed 6 squares (and am down to about 2 yards left of the grey, which I need to complete the strip). That means I only need to work up EIGHT more squares before I'm done. I'm going to work on the purple and blue colors tonight. I cannot WAIT to finish this afghan and start on the 35 squares...I posted pics of my chosen colors on my blog the other day. Lion Brand's Wool-Ease in Purple and Lilac colors with White Frost to join, add the crochetville swap of 12" squares to my list and I'm one VERY happy lady! :hook

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I am DEFINITELY pleased as a clam to announce that I'm THREE SQUARES AWAY (all of which need to be grey) from completing my afghan! :c9 It's probably gonna be a couple of weeks because the local yarn shop holder just ordered it a few days ago...I'll post a pic of my nearly complete afghan tomorrow! :yay I can whole-heartedly say this; without the support and knowledge of other crocheters out here rooting and working their crochet hooks too, I WOULD NOT have completed this afghan in such a quick amount of time. Thank you SOOO much for your support! 'Tis DEFINITELY the season! :ctree

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Anna -

I love it ! Very pretty ! I bet you are so anxious to hurry up and get the rest of your grey . I'm a very IMPATIENT person .... It's a good thing you're not like me !

That is certainly going to be a lovely afghan. Some of you guys have such a knack for choosing colors !:c9

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I signed up to join this AWHILE back (like nine months, I think)! I haven't been around and just about a week ago actually started crocheting again. I have the book and the yarn. I even have a couple of the squares done. Just have to remember where I put them to take a photo! :lol



May I still participate?




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Hi Sara


Jump right on in. The secret to this one is to STICK with it, no matter how frustrating it might get at times. I did the same thing you guys did. I wanted to make this so bad, and it kept bugging me because I'd start it, then put it away. Start it, then tear it out.


Finally, I made up my mind - I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS AND FINISH IT. Once I made up my mind , I did it.


So just dedicate yourself to it, work on it at LEAST a little each day and it will get done this time .


Come in and post a lot too, that will keep your interest up ~

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Hi Lea -


Well, if you will dedicate yourself to getting it finished this time, I will be your backup support . Just promise yourself that you will work on it SOME every day, even if you only have time to do a row or two . That way, each day , you will see more progress . There are others that have jumped back in here within the last few days that want to finish it too, so you will be among company .


I KNOW you can do it ~~~:flower

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I haven't been able to find my three squaresthat I KNOW I have finished. Somewhere. In the black hole I call a craft closet!! :think Or, maybe they were consumed by aliens while I was away for a few weeks over the Summer! 10.gifYeah. That's it!! LOL

Anyway, I am using Caron's Simply Soft in White, Soft Green and Soft Pink.

I am alternating working on this with the another afghan that I'm doing. I will not start anything else until one of these two is complete. Otherwise, it'll end up like my XS and I'll have two hundred WIPS screaming at me to be completed!!! wife.gif



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Hi Everyone! :waving


I just posted the following at my blog so I guess I'm officially back plugging away at this!

OK, it’s officially ‘after Christmas’ and I’m starting back on my 63 Squares project today. I’m trying to figure out where I am. I didn’t mark one of my squres but I’m pretty sure it’s Sq5. From my post dated 11/23/05 I know I’m in the middle of working on Sq53 so after I make sure everything is in order I will start there first. To recap, I have a total of 7 squares completed and 1 in progress.I’m finding it very hard to pick up that hook but I’m determined to finish this thing so……off I go…………

Is anyone else back with me???

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Hi Gina

Well, Julia finished hers today, so that's one more off the list. I'm sure there are some out there still working on this. I think we have so many -along groups going now, that it's hard for people to resist joining a bunch. Then when you do that , you can't devote as much time to one. That 's where I'm running into a problem. I am trying to scale back and take one at a time til it's done. That's the only way I can succeed. When I get too many oars in the water, my boat starts to sink ! :lol

I hope someone out there will jump in here and contact you . It's more fun to work on with a group and easier to keep motivated . :hook

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hey Gina and all fellow crocheters!


just wanted to post that i FINALLY completed my 42 of the 63 squares. I'll have pics posted on my blog tomorrow. i'm so excited. i'll check in here if you need someone to help root you on, Gina. This afghan is so gorgeous when completed! :c9

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Hey, Gina!! I'm here as well! I'm still working on mine. I have finished the first three squares and hopefully will get a few more done this weekend!


I never found the three I had done originally so I am having to redo those as well. I could definitely use some encouragement!!! LOL


Once I figure out where my cmaera battery charger is at, I will take pictures and post those. I can't wait to see your pictures as well as yarnaholics! :cheer



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