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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Waaaay back on page 6 or so you were talking about #5 and having to frog it several times. Do you remember what hook you ended up using? I'm up to a "J" and it is still too small. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/banghead.gif" /> I was doing so well up until now, but I know every square isn't going to be easy. I will persevere! -AL

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Hi, Alli! It was difficult to get that one to be the right size. I finally settled on a J hook, but I'm a bit concerned about its looseness. I've been thinking that even though it's now the same size as the other squares, it might too stretchy. Good luck with it! :fc

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Thanks for your tips, ladies. I have been experimenting with different hooks and adding extra chains. I, too, like things to look tight rather than loose, so I think adding to the starting chain looks better. It takes a lot of trial and error. I finished #5 last night and now I think I am going to do it and #4 over because I don't like them. I'm not a perfectionist by any means, I guess if I am going to go to the trouble to do a big project like this, I want it to look right in the end.

-Alli<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/thanks.gif" />

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Yes, we've all had to frog as we go. We've joked a few times we could have called this the Great Frog-Along. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/frog1.gif" /> BUT it all looks so darn good, who wants to stop!? <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/dance.gif" />

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I haven't switched hooks either, and I'm starting on #41 tonight. Of course, my stuff doesn't look nearly as good as some of the other squares that I've seen links to on this board, but I'm just going to chalk that up to beginner mistakes and move on.


I STILL have to go back and give #33 another shot! I am really dreading that square, because it was such a pain the last time I tried it...has anyone else gotten it to stitch up straight, and not all lean-y the way that mine kept doing?

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LOL, Rebecca, I can't tell you what you're doing right. :P :cheer2


Leigha, I haven't tried #33 yet. If you haven't tried it again by the time I work on it, I'll let you know what I find out. :))

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Say... waaaait a minute, Rebecca! :sherlock Aren't you one of those :<> who's pickin' and choosin' her squares? :thinking1 Not doin' 'em all in order and skippin' some of the pesky ones? :box Maybe that's why you've been able to use all the same size hook. :P:ohdear:yes:lol

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Y'all, I think the Carpal Tunnel is going to take me down on this project...I can only get about 20 minutes of crocheting in before I have to fling my hands around because they are tingling and numb. This is apparently something that is normal in pregnancy, but they don't tell you about until you get it and freak out that your hands are going numb all the time.


I'm going to push through and persevere...any tips for helping me out? I really want to get #41 done tonight!

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Leigha, I wish I had some good suggestions for you. :( But I haven't yet had any problems with carpal tunnel, so I don't have much info. I see your baby is due in two months ~ maybe just take it easy until then? :shrug

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Yeah, funny thing...this afghan is a Christmas present, and the little monkey is DUE on Christmas day...I guess I'll just have to put aside all of my other crochet projects and focus my energy solely on this one until I complete it. I'm going to check out those pressure gloves, thanks for the suggestion! I've done all of the hand stretches/hand shaking that I can handle, and I STILL can't fill the tips of my middle/ring finger on my right hand!


But on the bright side, I'm almost 2/3 of the way done in a little over a month and a half, so hopefully I can finish this thing out in the next two months!

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bluecat11880 wrote:


I have been lurking for about 2 weeks, but am now ready to participate with y'all. I have just finished #7 and starting on #8. I had to frog #6 about 5 times until I figured out the stitch, but I did like how it turned out. This is a great way to get rid of my stash of yarn and learn new stitches. I have only been crocheting about 4 years, and I love this project so far!:heart

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Guest knuckles145

will all the crocheting I did on this stupid afghan since last thursday I am getting SO bored with it. Flew back to for my FIL funeral and with all the traveling and waiting around, I had to keep my hands busy. But I get the feeling that its going to be at least two weeks before I pick it up again. So much for getting it finished by november 1st. I "may" just lay everything I have finished so far out and see what it looks like. Maybe it will just be a smaller afghan :)

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So much for getting it finished by november 1st. I "may" just lay everything I have finished so far out and see what it looks like. Maybe it will just be a smaller afghan :)
Nothing wrong with that. :D!
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