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Yay!!! Look At This!!!!


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I can't believe it!:yay




(right now, you are probably thinkning "what the?" :think well, this link means that they are fixing the website up to a newer model!:eek Then we get new patterns!:hook )


:yay YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yay

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"We were Hacked"

Probably means that someone hacked into the website and messed with it!

Well...I want to get my hopes up! Don't spoil my excitment! LOL
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Well, Kim is working on new content, but that's not what that means. I was at Crochet Me this morning and believe me, there was weirdness on the screen. It wasn't Crochet Me and it wasn't a 404 page error, either. I wondered what was amiss.


Then Kim posted the We were hacked. We're fixing it. Back soon



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