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Polish Crochet Magazines

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Back in the early 90's, I used to buy Decorative Crochet and Magic Crochet magazines--loved those--and I have picked up some older issues of them on ebay occasionally as well. I know that they are not longer published, and with that precedent in mind, I am making it a point to collect all the thread pattern magazines I can find. Right now in Poland, there are a number of different magazines published monthly with wonderful patterns, and although the magazines are in Polish, the patterns are visual diagrams and don't require reading.


I've linked to some Polish auctions that show what the magazines look like below. Is there anything like this (magazines devoted to thread patterns) being published in the US right now?


(Scroll down to see larger pictures.)








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I also loved Decorative Crochet and Magic Crochet. I picked up a box full at a garage sell once and I still enjoy going thru them.


The magazines you've linked to look wonderful. I haven't seen anything like them here.

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I don't know of any magazines currently being published where thread is the focus. I too have built a stash of Magic Crochet magazines and am hoping to eventually have a complete set.

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Ladies if you have a spare issue #116 of magic crochet magazine (Oct 98) I'd love to buy it from you , I have been searching for the victorian heart doily pattern from that issue .:hook

A long shot I know !


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I've also seen some of the magazines you posted as Russian magazines. That may be the origin, but I'm not sure. I know that I've seen Diana and Sabrina magazines written in Russian.


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In Alaska here I get a UK magazine by the name of "Crochet Monthly" which is strictly thread crochet done in chart. I can only get it at our Barnes and Noble bookstore but the patterns are beautiful and range from doileys to curtains, bed spreads, table cloths and runners in all shapes. I have not yet seen the magazine mentioned here so I wondering if anyone else has seen one?



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The Diana and Sabrina pattern magazines seem to be published in several European languages. I have bought them on eBay in French, German, and British English. The pattern diagrams are the same, regardless. The stitch notation differs from that in the Magic and Decorative Crochet magazines.


Crochet Monthly publishes the same patterns as Magic and Decorative Crochet. As a matter of fact the most recent issues of the latter are also titled Crochet Monthly.

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