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Taking a giant leap into the frog pond

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The project I am working on was inspired by seeing the cover of the book Amazing Crochet Lace: New Fashions Inspired by Old-Fashioned Lace of which the model on the cover is sporting a round shawl. I looked at it and thought, "Hey, all that is, is a doily made with yarn instead of thread!" So... I did some searching and found a pretty doily pattern I figured would work well. It is supposed to be 17" in diameter when worked with thread. According to my calculations, when done in the yarn it will be about 51" in diameter.:D


Well... I was happily crocheting along and discovered a mistake... :faint4 rows or so back I skipped a stitch. So... time for this frog to hop into the pond. :frog

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I feel for you! there's not much worse than having to rip out that many rows! All that hard work gone to waste. Just remember - it's going to be BEAUTIFUL when it's done!!!

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:hug Oh Christi!! I hate when that happens :( ...I remember working on a table cloth, something was wrong and I just couldn't figure it out...My DH comes in takes a look at it and points out that I missed a stitch wayyyy back towards the beginning!!! I didn't know if I should hug him for finding the error...or cry...


Please post pics of this when you are done, it is beautiful!!!

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...My DH comes in takes a look at it and points out that I missed a stitch wayyyy back towards the beginning!!! I didn't know if I should hug him for finding the error...or cry...

You should hug him. It's great that he can actually find the mistake. My husband would look at it and say, "it looks fine to me."

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Well, before I went to bed last night I frogged back to my mistake and got past where I was originally. :cheer


laurastar0962 - The book I was inspired by can be found here:

http://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Crochet-Lace-Fashions-Old-Fashioned/dp/0307339750 I do not have this book and it is not the pattern I'm using. I'm using a Denise Augustine pattern called Pineapple Perfection, which isn't available on the web anymore.


I will be sure to post a picture when finished. Right now I'm pretty positive that I will need to get another cone of yarn before I'm done. :)

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Aargh that is so awful! I actually have 3/4 of a doily done that has sat untouched for two months because there is a mistake a few rows back and I can't bear to undo all that work with that tiny thread and wee little hook ... I'll take the leap sometime, but not now!


Your shawl does sound gorgeous, can't wait to see it.

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The project I am working on was inspired by seeing the cover of the book Amazing Crochet Lace: New Fashions Inspired by Old-Fashioned Lace of which the model on the cover is sporting a round shawl. I looked at it and thought, "Hey, all that is, is a doily made with yarn instead of thread!" So... I did some searching and found a pretty doily pattern I figured would work well. It is supposed to be 17" in diameter when worked with thread. According to my calculations, when done in the yarn it will be about 51" in diameter.:D


Well... I was happily crocheting along and discovered a mistake... :faint4 rows or so back I skipped a stitch. So... time for this frog to hop into the pond. :frog



I've done that with doily patterns before. Here's a shawl I made http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/ErinLindsey/more%20crochet%20pictures/PB242777.jpg

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