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Crochet Guild of America

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Do any of you belong to the Crochet Guild of America?

What do you think of it and what do they offer you for paying $35.00 to join?

In others words, if you joined was it worth it and would you recommend others to join.?

I would like to know what you think before I decide whether or not to join.

Thanks !:think


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I'm a member.


Honestly, I dont know that its currently worth the $35 a year... you do get the Crochet! magazine as part of your membership, and I can be (and am) an officer of my CGOA chapter. But, thats really it. I know they are working on some more "perks" though... heres hoping!

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I think the purpose of professional organizations is not so much what an individual gets out of it, but the fact that they can exist because of the individuals who join and pay their membership fees. Your yearly dues my not give so much to you personally, but it helps the organization stay alive.

The CGOA has as its purpose to "educate the public about crochet,provide educational and networking opportunities, and set a national standard for the quality,art,and skill of crochet".

Besides the magazine you can get discounts at the national and regional educational conferences, have the opportunity to join a local guild,and learn WAY more than you ever knew there was to know about crochet.

I have been to several of the Chain Link national conferences. They were not only a great educational event, but it was such a trip to walk into the lobby of a hotel and every chair is filled with someone crocheting!

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One thing I liked is that you can put your name on a list for pattern testers. It doesn't happen a lot but occasionally you are contacted by someone who will send you the pattern and yarn to test a pattern and they pay you for it!! How great is that? I tested patterns for Melissa Leapman and for Rita Weiss. Talk about feeling honored!!

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I was wondering the same thing. I don't really like Crochet magazine, so for me, that's really not a perk, but to be part of something crochet-related would be. I'm debating joining, too.

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I've been a member of the CGOA for the past two years, and I'll be renewing my membership in the next week.


For those who have local active chapters, I especially think it's a great thing. We don't have an active local chapter in my area. (And frankly, with all the time I spend on Crochetville, I just don't have the time to be responsible for starting one up myself. But I'd certainly join if somebody else started it!)


For those who don't have a local chapter, I still think it's an excellent thing. However, in this case I think it's more about how you can help this organize remain strong and thriving. The CGOA has some really excellent goals, and I am happy to support them with my membership.


I would subscribe to Crochet! magazine anyway, so all it's really costing me to support CGOA is an extra $10-$15 per year. (I can't remember what the subscription fee is for Crochet!) Well worth it, in my opinion.

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I am so glad that someone brought this up. I would really like to join, but we are full time rv'ers. And is there no qualification? Anyone can join? Am I being naive?




Glenda, yes, anybody can join. You just have to fill out the membership application and send in the membership fee. You can find more info on the CGOA website.


You can download a pdf copy of the membership brochure here.


You can join online here.

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I became a member last year and decided not to renew mine this year. There were several reasons why but mainly we have no local chapters in my area, I can get a subscription to Crochet! Magazine (or purchase it in the store) cheaper and I don't have the means to do a lot of traveling so as much as I would love to go to a chain link conference, unless I win the lottery, it's not going to happen for me. At some point I would really love to take some of the courses they have but that's the only real "perk" I found to being a member. For some people I think it's great but for plain ole me who really can't afford to go to conferences let alone who is on a budget each month, I can't see spending the money...


But, in the future I hope to join again and maybe be able to go to a conference... Here's hoping! :cheer

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Hello again,

One, I hope final question on this thread for me, does this crochet magazine have anything to do with Crochet Today? One of my sons is getting me a subscription for Mother's Day.

Another son is giving me the guild membership as a gift. I decided to join after reading the replies. Thank all for you input and help!!!!!:cheer

I love my sons and not just because of Mother's Day. We have a lot of fun doing things together.

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Hello again,

One, I hope final question on this thread for me, does this crochet magazine have anything to do with Crochet Today? One of my sons is getting me a subscription for Mother's Day.

Another son is giving me the guild membership as a gift. I decided to join after reading the replies. Thank all for you input and help!!!!!:cheer

I love my sons and not just because of Mother's Day. We have a lot of fun doing things together.


Crochet! (that comes with CGOA membership) and Crochet Today are separate magazines published by different companies. This thread has subscription information for each.

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I recently joined the CGOA because I'm going to Chainlink this summer so joining just made sense. I have a semi-local chapter... it's about an hour's drive... but now that the weather is nice I will be going. In addition to the other things mentioned, there is a very active Yahoo group just for CGOA members, which I really enjoy.


Now that I have joined I will keep the membership going. I agree with the person who said one of the biggest 'perks' is to support the organization and get the word out about crocheting.



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I will have to think about it. I'd love to go to one of the conferences, but I can't afford them.

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