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baby blankets

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WW makes GREAT baby blankets. That's all I use for my Project Linus blankies (that and I just can't find much lighter weight yarns I like...). They will be a bit heavier and even if you use the same hook, will be a bit bigger, but with blankets, exact gauge isn't an issue in my mind. I suggest Caron SS or the like. Some really like ReadHeart, but the verigated is very rough to work with IMHO. It does wash up a bit better though.

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It makes them a bit heavier, yes - but if that is an issue, use a larger hook and a more open stitch. I love WW for baby bankies.

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Worsted weight is great for babies and kids blankets because it holds up to all the washing it will go through.

A friend of mine is due next month so I made a round ripple with RR and Mainstays. After it was washed it was sooooo soft. :hook

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I've used Worsted Weight and Sports Weight in my baby blankets and both yarns work wonderfully!! But for some reason I still like Worsted Weight yarns better.

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I have used regular red heart ww yarn for my son's blanket when he was 9 months old. I had been given a skein and started using it. So then I went out and bought a similar color in Red Heart ww and so half the blanket is softer than the other...he loves it non the less.


However, I too have tried to use the verigated and washed it NUMBEROUS (10+) times and it wouldn't soften up for nothing!!! It was Caron Verigated One Pound or something. I was less than pleased. :(

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I use worsted for baby blankets almost exclusively. Of course I live in the "great white north" and it gets really cold here in the winter, so a blanket made out of sport or baby yarn just wouldn't be warm enough.

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Thank you, I have so much more worsted weight yarn than baby yarn. I just wasn't sure, because baby yarn feels softer. thanks everyone!

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