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I found my CAT reading my doily book!!!!

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That is too cute!!!


My furbabies just sit and wait for me to drop the ball of yarn or thread so they can chase it around the room.:blush And I swear that by the mess that I have to clean up, one of them is trying to learn how to crochet, but just can't seem to get that beginning done.:think

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Thank you all for the great comments, oh yes, indeed, she has gotten into my yarn, thread too, one day my hubby came home and there was yarn ALL over, he said it looked like someone had gotten ahold of a sillystring can and went to it....lol..... and then there is the time she had the dog hog tied too..lol...I tell ya, yes indeed, she needs a doily, okay, I an do that, but she takes over EVERYTHING I make, my shawl Vicki made me, my wrap I made me, my hubbys ghan I made him....oh yea, its all hers..lol

today was a tough one after all that PAIN!! So, I took it easy, drank lots of fluids, and just ate some pudding, now I am going to check up here, make sure I am not missing anything, lol, and settle down to watch American Idol,if I can make it through, if not hubby sai he will tape it for me..

anyways, thaniks ladies its not often we have the camera near by when we see something like that..:lol

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Thank you for the laughs! The picture is just great!


I'd love to see a picture of the dog hog tied! :cat:yarn :dog.





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