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Hello everone,

I am going to sound very ignorant but I have to ask as for the life of me I cant somehow figure out what exactly is a dishcloth and what is it used for?

I have seen very different patterns for it.Lacy and decorative to just a square done in Hdc or dc.

Please help?:think

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It is a "generation" thing...I guess. When I was young (back in the dark ages...you know before color tv)...they were refered to as "dish rags". Never the less...you used them to wash the dishes, wipe-off the table, scrub the pots. Then sponges became the way to clean the dishes...unless you were lucky enough to have an electric dishwasher.

Since I began crochet dish cloths...I am amazed at the number of people still using dish cloths.

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I know sponges are convenient and ubiquitous. But I have a sense that they are also breeding grounds for germs. Dishcloths have the advantage that they can be thrown in the laundry (or sometimes in the dishwasher) for a hot water cleaning. They generally dry better than some sponges. They are reusable for a longer time than sponges.


And they are so much prettier than sponges!

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And if you're like a coworker of mine you can get hubby to do the dishes with them... That's the only way he will help with the dishes is with crocheted ones.


I have one in my car, when the windows get misty from the cool, I wipe them down. I also used one when I did a facial mask (which I don't really anymore), it would get so hard that only a soft cotton cloth would help get it off my skin and the crochet ones worked great.


They're made out of cotton, so anything you'd use a cotton cloth for, they would work for.


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