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another idea for the "crocheting out of pain" thread

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unfortunately, it is good to know others are in pain, because it makes u feel not so lonely...know what i mean?

anyway, after reading thru the previous post on the pain issue, why don't we break this thread up a bit and separate it into the fribro stuff, arthritis stuff, hip& knee stuff, back stuff,etc?


of course, i do realize that there are some of u who experience all of the above! lol


yea, i HAVE to find some humor in the pain issue. if not, i'd go crazy!!


after living in cronic pain for over 25+ years....i've finally settled on focusing on my kids, grandkids, pain meds and CROCHETING!!!


my main problems are with the back (and now some hip stuff), so i would absolutely LOVE for any of u that suffer from that area, let's do some "bouncing" and mabe we can help one another!!!


what do u think?

:hug :hug

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I have pretty much all of the above (except maybe fibro...) and pain is pain, no matter what causes it, so I think it's good that we can all sit and vent about our aches and pains.


It's weird, but crochet seems to be a pretty good painkiller (unless you do some serious marathon crocheting and strain something)


When I'm working on a project, it helps me relax and forget that I have those various aches and pains...until I do the marathon crocheting and strain something. :eek

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i think what makes it so relaxing is we are busy with our hands and in our minds and hear that we are helping others like making the comfortghans for our cousin and wife, just knowing it will make their day always helps me relax and therefor have less pain until as you say we over due then i know i am done for i stop and rest. good luck in starting a new thread, personally i would rather read about it in one posting as it is kind of confusing otherwise:hug:hug:hug

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