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questions about a raffle

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As most of you know, my son is presently in Army Basic training. In May we have plans to visit him during "Family Weekend", and I believe this is the time he will transition from basic training to AIT school, because there's a ceremony of some sort while we're there. DH and I figured the entire trip for motel, eats, gas, and incedentals will cost around $500. Not bad actually. Here's what I want to do to help raise the funds.


I want to (and have already started working on) make two super special, really nice afghans, made with the "good stuff" yarn and raffle them. My plan is that since I work (no pay) in the church book store several times a month, on Sunday's and Wednesday's, I want to display them in the book store and sell raffle tickets. Have any of you ever held a raffle? If so, what are some things I need to know? The pattern that I am using is not my own. Do I need (I'm assuming I do) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to do this? Matter of fact, I'll be shooting off an email to them after I post this. I just need some advice from anybody who's done this before. What are the ins and outs, pitfalls, anything would be helpfull. Thanks for any responses!!!

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As most of you know, my son is presently in Army Basic training. In May we have plans to visit him during "Family Weekend", and I believe this is the time he will transition from basic training to AIT school, because there's a ceremony of some sort while we're there. DH and I figured the entire trip for motel, eats, gas, and incedentals will cost around $500. Not bad actually. Here's what I want to do to help raise the funds.


I want to (and have already started working on) make two super special, really nice afghans, made with the "good stuff" yarn and raffle them. My plan is that since I work (no pay) in the church book store several times a month, on Sunday's and Wednesday's, I want to display them in the book store and sell raffle tickets. Have any of you ever held a raffle? If so, what are some things I need to know? The pattern that I am using is not my own. Do I need (I'm assuming I do) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to do this? Matter of fact, I'll be shooting off an email to them after I post this. I just need some advice from anybody who's done this before. What are the ins and outs, pitfalls, anything would be helpfull. Thanks for any responses!!!



Hi Crafty Butterfly,

I've never held a drawing before, but can think of things I've seen when others have held drawings.

I, also, presume you would need to get the designers permission for using their pattern for the items to be raffled. Also, just as a courtesy, the church's permission to display them there.

Then, you will need to set a date to hold the drawing. Do people need to be present on the date of drawing or can they pick up the item later??

Also, need to set a price per ticket to hopefully recover cost of your supplies and travel money.

And, towards 1 of the most important parts, you need a means of doing the drawing...aka tickets. These can be 2 different styles... just where folks fill in their information and drop in a box, and they have no copy to hold onto. OR, a 2-part ticket where they fill in 1 part w/ their information and have a stub to keep for their records. (I'd go w/ the 2-part just because can list the items to be raffled off, and the price of the tickets on the receipts parts). These could easily be drawn up on the computer.

another step would to be to decide who to offer the raffle to..church, hubbies work, friends/family, perhaps friends/family would be willing to help by taking to work &/or their churches....etc.

Good luck w/ your plans and have a safe trip to see your sons ceremony. :)

Sorry this became so long, sometimes my brain rambles w/ possibilities. :)


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Since you are making profit from the items, yes, you would need to check with the designer/publisher for permission first.


Next, you'll also need to check with your state to see what your state's regulations/laws are regarding raffles. Some states have very strict laws, and you'll want to make sure you are complying with everything before you publicize your raffle.


I would think you would also need to check with your church to see if their policies allow you to make a personal profit from such a raffle. I know this would not be allowed in my church. But all churches are different, so your church may not have a problem with this.

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Thanks for your input!


I certainly plan to gain permission to display them in the book store, it would be bad form to just do it without clearing it first. But I seriously doubt they'll have a problem with it. I already have a rough design of the tickets in my head, and If I'm given permission by the copyright holder, it is my plan to give them credit (including the website) on the ticket, still waiting to hear back from them.


The only thing I didn't think about is state laws regarding raffles. I'll have to check into that. However, if it appears I'll get too bogged down in rules, regulations, paper work, and beuraucratic (sp?) red tape, I'll probably just come up with an alternate plan. If I were trying to raise thousands of dollars, instead of just a few hundred, it would be worth it. Thanks for the replies!!! :)

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Raffles are generally done for charity only. We have them for our school and church. You can use any published pattern you want, but the money doesn't go for yourself to take a trip it's for charity and the people who print the patterns are okay with that. If you are keeping the money for yourself, you are basically selling your item and selling chances to people. Why don't you just auction it on ebay with all of your information about why you are selling it? People are sympathetic to good causes, and maybe you will sell it and make some money the legal way. :)

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I emailed the copyright holder and gave them all the information about the purpose of the raffle and all the particulars. I heard back from them today, and they gave me permission to use the pattern. Raffles are generally used for charity, but not always. I am still not certain I will do this because I haven't yet checked into the state regs and laws on it. I plan to do that today. I don't plan to auction it on Ebay, because that's not what I told the copyright holder I was doing, and I would need to get seperate permission to do that. Believe me, I've considered all my options, and a raffle seemed to be the way to make the most money. Listing an item on Ebay does not guarantee it will sell. Selling chances for $2 a piece is more, to me, of a guarantee that I will at least make SOME money. I realize that I am basically selling my item and keeping the money for myself. And while this is not usually what happens in an raffle, I have done some reasearch and it does happen sometimes, and it IS legal as long as all state laws are adhered to. There is NOTHING illegal about a raffle that is not for charity, as long as those buying the chances are not lied to, and KNOW what they are buying chances for. It is my plan to be totally honest and upfront. Therefore not breaking any laws. Such as the guy who raffled his car to pay it off when he lost his job, and several other stories I came across. Raffles, apparently, are not exclusively used for charity, contrary to popular belief. Thanks for all your input. I'm still considering this option, but haven't made a decision yet. But it's good to know that I have the proper permission to do it, if I decide to do it that way.

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