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Need quick & easy crochet ideas

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On April 6, our team for the Cancer Society, Relay for Life, is having a bake sale. I thought I might like to include a few small crocheted items that are spring-like for the table to sell. Maybe a pin for Easter, small baskets, etc. Something quick and easy to make and that might be a good seller. Any ideas? If you know where I can find the pattern as well, I would appreciate your help. It is for a good cause.:)

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Egg bookmark:




Egg fridgie (or add a pin back rather than a magnet to make it a pin):




Egg covers to hang:




Bunny fridgie (again can be changed to a pin):




Plant poke:




Bunny towel ring:









I found the links and a lot more at CPC:





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Also, another idea would be to make lucky penny holders w/ yellow or lavender thread (since yellow and lavender are the colors symbolic of cancer research/awareness). Make two Irish roses with your color choice, stick a penny in between, and sew the two motifs together. A single rows with one row of petals takes maybe five minutes to make, and 2 rows perhaps ten. so, with about 20 min worth of work you've got a pretty little piece that can be sold for, say $.50 to $1. Or, go to Celt's vintage site and look at the doily pages--she has floral doilies from which you can use the flowers and sew them together to make some of these simple pieces. In fact, I believe crocuses and pansies are flowers that are naturally purple and yellow at the same time, so using both colors at once (if you don't like the idea of single strands of thread) to make thicker thread would work.

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I just finished up the Spring Thread Mystery Cal (known to some as Can Pants)

It's a pattern for a cute little basket and that might be nice. The whole pattern is in the first post.

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