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Aha! Stash-building part 2

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I always want to take advantage of yarn sales but almost never do because I have to have a project in mind before I buy yarn, and of course there is never a sale for yarn I need for the project I'm looking to do next. (I can't handle more than 2 WIP's--one for home, one to do during my commute to work.) For example, I went to Smiley's and came out with a meager 3 skeins even though they had shelves full of sale yarn.


So I put on my total-nerd hat and designed a little chart/table that is a wish list of projects plus specifics on the yarn I'd need to do it. So if there is some amazing WW cotton sale I can look at my list and know exactly how to take advantage of it. There are separate columns for Yarn (you put weight and fiber), Color, Amt, and Project Name/Description.


I haven't checked around to see if anyone else has made a "to-do" list like this. it was pretty easy to do, really. I am too new to post attachments but would be glad to send it to anyone in PDF form if you'd like to check it out, or I will attach it to a post once I am able to.


Finally a way for a frugal stickler like me to do some crazy yarn buying :)

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I don't have a form I fill out for myself, but I do plan some projects awhile in advance. There's an adorable top I'll get around to someday.


I'm just the opposite of you...I need to be more frugal. I've been trying to spend less on things I don't need lately, and so far it's been paying off. I did spend nearly $30 just on yarn a couple days ago, though. I'm so proud that most of it was actually for a planned project. :D

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