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whats a cupcake??

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I have been dying to ask this, but didnt want to hijack some one elses thread... Why is the cupcake top that seems to get posted frequently called "cupcake"


I know it is not named after me:lol :lol :lol :lol


A muffin top down here isnt particularly complimentary, aka Kath and Kim, where you have a roll of blubber over the top of your jeans.

When one gets posted they always grab my eye, a bit like when you hear your name called in a public place and it is not you they want, but someone els with the same name.


Is there a logical explanation for why these are called cupcakes?

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It's actually a pattern title in the Happy Hooker book - the top itself is called a "Cupcake".


Hope that helps.

Thanks, I have never seen that book. Is there a reason why she calls it a cupcake?

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LOL! Is that in style now?? i have seen it quite a few times here,,,,,seriously,,,is it?

Well... yes and no.


What it is, is (usually, although not always) teenage girls wanting to be "in style" and just not accepting the fact that they're too big for that particular style. So they SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE themselves into these clothes and are absolutely CONVINCED that they look "GOOD."


What they don't seem to realize is that if they just bought clothes that actually FIT - in the same STYLE, even - they'd look a MILLION times better.


But there's no reasoning with these people. I've tried.


So I just quietly and discreetly laugh at them. :wink

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