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Best place to buy SWS?

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I was just at Michael's with my 40% off coupon, dying to buy some Soy Wool Stripes and do my first felted bag, and I couldn't bring myself to do it. The skeins are so small and Michaels charges $5.99 for one...so it'd be many months of coupons before I had enough for a large bag.


I have no experience with buying yarn online. Do any of you oh-so-knowledgeable people know of good yarn websites that sell SWS for cheaper?


Thanks so much in advance! :hug

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I haven't bought from any of the smaller places, but when you buy from Joanns online, they give you a discount when you buy 8 skeins or more. And they don't have to be 8 skeins of the exact same thing!


$5.99 is about the average price for SWS, though. I haven't seen it much cheaper unless it was on sale.


What I'd do is wait for it to go on sale at Joann.com, when they have free shipping (which they seem to do pretty regularly) and stock up!


In the meantime, set aside $6.00 a week so when the planets align and all these circumstances happen, you can just go ahead and order it.

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Here is a link to SWS yarn, by the bag...is it cheaper than JoAnn's




Unless I'm doing the math wrong, that 'bargain price' comes out to $6.39/ball, and that's before shipping. That's more than just walking into Michael's and buying it.


Michael's will take competitors coupons. Have friends/family cut the coupons from the paper, or, better yet, bring them with you (if you can) have each buy one ball of yarn with coupon for $3.60 ea. (40% off ). You should be able to make a nice size bag with only 3 balls of the SWS.


I really love that yarn but only buy it with coupons. I don't think you can find a better price than that. If you can... I'd love to know also.


Buying it in the store means no shipping, and here in CT there's no tax on it either, because they assume you will be making an article of clothing with it.



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Yeah, I only buy at Joann.com when stuff is on sale, the shipping is free, and I'm buying more than 8 skeins. Then, it winds up being a great deal. But for just one or two skeins, it's either Wally World or Michaels or Joann's.

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JCB, thanks so much! I do appreciate guidance here because I've never bought anything but acrylic yarn before, and never spent more than $5 on a skein (and only did that much with one or two bulky yarns).


It looks like Michaels is the way to go, then...or Roberts. They do 50% off coupons sometimes. Do you really think 3 skeins will be enough for a bag? I want a fair-sized tote-type bag like the "well traveled bag" or something.

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