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Blast from the Past...

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I wasn't sure where to put this but definitely wanted to share b/c I thought some might find these inspiring...


The link below takes you to photos of my DD wearing 2 outfits that were made for me by my paternal grandmother (who passed away when I was 4). Claire will be 4 next month. I've scanned a photo of me (yikes) wearing the ladybug outfit w/my mom when I was almost 4.


The ladybug ensemble is knit. The poncho is knit w/cross-stitch on top and a crochet edging. My Grandma Lu could both knit and crochet - I also have some animals that she knit and crocheted for me and I'll try to get pics of them up as well.


Would love to know what you all think!



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Very cool! I was remembering a crochet outfit my Gram made me when I was a baby last night. Unfortunately, I think the doll that inherited it when I outgrew it was still wearing it when I geve it away a couple of years ago. It was a dress with a solid bodice and granny square skirt I think and matching diaper cover in pink and white. I'm glad you were able to pass on such fun stuff to your own daughter.

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