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Crocheting Makes You Lose Weight!!

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Well I have been crocheting for quite some time, I don't think I have lost any weight yet. After reading all your replies I will definately have to increase my crocheting :) I do tend to crochet a lot on my commute to and from work and recently this lady leaned over to me and said, "the way your fingers fly I don't think you should fear getting arthritis!!!So there goes another benefit to be had from crocheting :clap

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A few years ago, My BF had a job were he worked in the states for a month and then a month in England. The first few weeks alone I would eat at night watching TV. Said to myself this has to stop. So I went and got my yarn and hook. I just played with it for a while. Then I went out and bought some yarn. I started what I thought was going to be a afgan. Well in the 6 months that he was gone I make a king size blanket for my bed. I also lost weight. As I forget to eat when I got home form work. I just wanted to crochet. Now I crochet just so I won't eat at night. He is home all the time now. :) But it still works for me.

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Hmm... I may actually have to try this out. I travel a TON for business. This means I eat out and on the run a lot. After the frist 6 or 8 months of this I'd put back on the 30 lb I'd lost the year before. Now that I try and go to the gym 3x a week my weight has more or less stabelized. Of course, I'm 2 years into this travel job. Maybe if I increase my crochet time, instead of computer time, when I'm home, it'll start going down again? :think

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